☽Chapter Four☾

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Silver moonlight still bathed my bedroom when I returned to it, casting a stark silhouette against the stone walls. Hours still laid ahead till the sun would rise again. I sighed, rubbing at the nape of my neck. It would be a miracle if I could any sleep, not when I knew Azriel was flying back into the darkness towards untold danger yet again. My back found it ways back on the bed, and I stared up at the starry canopy above. Another temple raided, another merciless attack. Who was responsible, and what were they looking for? I knew the temples were a trove of sacred artifacts and were filled with halls of knowledge, but I couldn't think of anything of immense value there. 

I leaned my chin over, raven hair falling in my eyes as I peered over at the small desk beside me. A small silver pen was sitting atop stacks of ripped papers, cold and idle. I gazed back up to the glimmering canopy, a memory returning to me from years ago. 

I hadn't thought it possible that Velaris could be made more beautiful that night. I sat inside a small windowsill, my head leaned back against the stone of the House of Wind as I watched the night sky in awe. I had seen Starfall many times before, but this year felt different somehow. A million stars of a million colors were careening across the darkness, their paths illuminating the city and my room in wondrous starlight. Some fell from the sky below, and the city was awash with color as star sprinkled glittering dust along their path. The jewels and crystals of my dress danced rainbows around my room as I watched, a cascade of swirling midnight fabrics flowing down the windowsill and onto the floor below like pools of starlight. It was the most beautiful Skyfall I had ever seen. And the most beautiful I had felt in ages. 

Mother had braided my hair out of my face not long before, tendering stroking my cheek when she'd beheld her creation on me at last.

"It's truly beautiful, like constellations." I'd said to her, my fingers flitting over the crystals as I smiled, "You've out done yourself, it's a shame no one will see it."

I searched her eyes for a response, perhaps hoping a little for good news. Maybe, just maybe this year Father would let me attend the Ball and finally meet more of Velaris. But she had only held me close to her, and her hand danced over my hair once more before lips brushed my forehead. Her embrace was warm, but I could feel in her breath that it was in vain.

"I'm sorry, Asteria. Not this year." She said softly, and my shoulders fell."but I've stolen a piece of the night sky just for you, my little star. No matter where you are, it will shine for you."

She gave me one last squeeze, fingers adjusting the dress on my shoulder absentmindedly. "I'll see you in the morning." 

 She had disappeared back into the vast dark hallways, the skirts of her grey dress whispering as she left. No doubt towards the celebration. I had resigned myself to my windowsill then, fingers toying with the fabric of my sleeves as the brief joy of the stars left me.

Loud laughter and the noise of merriment echoed up to my window, and my gaze fell back to the party below. I watched the party goers revel at the shooting stars with glee. They were drinking and laughing, some were even still dancing as they filtered onto the balconies below. I could make out Cassian leaning against the balconies edge, sharing a bottle of some unknown liquor with our cousin Mor. The two toasted, smiles adorning their mischievous faces. A young fae male had grasped a female in his arms gently nearby, the two of them swaying softly together as they took in the sights. Stars whizzed past the revelers, painting cheeks and dresses with green and blue and purple dust as they passed. A few onlookers screamed with surprise, but only laughter followed. Everything seemed lively and glowing below, as if the stars's journey across the sky had blessed them all with years worth of happiness.

No glittering dust fell upon me as I sat on my windowsill alone. I sighed, cheek slowly falling against the cold stone of the sill. This night would end like most others for me, quiet and alone.

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