Meeting an fine 👌asshole...

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Merissa's POV

Taking a completely another path home as from the usual one, I kept walking listening to my jams fighting the urge to dance along and not look like a joke I thought I was.

Walking pass the street market I saw a group of guys opposite the street looking towards me and talking but I had no clue as to what they were saying,but I knew deep within myself they were up to no good.

         Hope they don't say anything and let me be. My brain is about to shutdown as it is.

I shook my thoughts off just as I did I noticed one of them crossing the road making as if he isn't seeing the oncoming cars playing the clown.what a character 🤔
An involuntary smile came up my face,thn again I changed my facial expression into one I usually did and most times nobody could read. I don't know how I do it but it just comes naturally I guess.

The clown 🤡 walked towards me. I still didn't mind till a tall tan skinned figure with curly hair was walking besides me. I then took out my earphones to listen to what he was saying.

Tall tan skinned guy: hey ma what's your name? You look so fine😋

Him putting emphasis on the word fine.

I shrugged off his compliments not know what to do or say as I was placed in a awkward situation where I could feel people's eyes fixated  at me,glares from girls from around their hood. At this point all I wanted to do was get out of this whole clown of a ass situation and get my ass home I was exhausted,my brain was exhausted.

Then I hear this guy,"the clown 🤡" call out to his supposed home boy.
My eyes widened at this,now I was terrified. All kinds of thoughts running through my head.
What if they do something to me,the unimaginable 😳

My heart started pounding like elephant feet hitting the ground.

Tall tan skinned guy: home boy come to see this fine ma,come make a move....
          Mischievous laughter from the group of guys😂😂😂😂😂😂

My heart kept on beating fast (putting emphasis on the word fast)...

I saw another guy crossing the road coming towards us, this one was less of a clown I'd say he knew his game.
He started off speaking straight away in their hood tone which I found amusingly interesting for my liking

He says hey gorgeous ma, with a smirk on his face. Where you from ma?

I just looked him straight into his eyes that were dark brown,long lashed. He was tall too but darker than his friend. I couldn't utter a single word for some reason, maybe it was because I was studying his face almost so closed to mine. He then snapped me out of my thoughts of how handsome he was...

Beautiful what's your name? I replied Merissa.
Such a beautiful name just as you're he says.
You from here ?he let's out a question again.
Yes I said.
But I don't see you around,he shrugged.

I guess people hardly never ever sees me around,it me afterall I just don't go around anywhere I shot back my words.

Cool! he says with a effortless smile.

Can I have your number?

At first I refused to give him my number,but he kept on insisting and later I gave in and gave him my number so he'd leave me so I get home all I wanted was to sleep.

He smiled at me and we said our bye's for the time being...


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