Dangers of the Lazarus Pit

Start from the beginning

Nonchalantly, Raven continued stretching.

"I don't know what you mean."

Talia strode to one of the weapons racks and took her time contemplating the array before choosing two daggers. Expertly, she began twirling them around her hands. So effortless. So deadly.

Raven knew Talia, she had always sensed her hunger for power and understood that she was more than willing to disobey her father's orders to not harm Raven if she thought the benefits great enough.

Still affecting nonchalance, Raven opened herself up to her father's power, careful not to let her appearance warp in any way. Sweet, cruel and corrupt it washed over her, fully dispelling that annoying voice of morality at the back of her head.

"My son is becoming...distracted in his training and, far from discouraging this ridiculous behaviour, my father is actually urging him to get closer to you."

A lead weight, cold and unyielding, slammed into Raven's chest at the words; Ra's al Ghul was pushing them closer together? What did that mean? Damian would kill himself if ordered by the Old Man Assassin, what if Damian was only with her because he was ordered to? What if it was all just a scheme to manipulate her?

Raven gave herself a silent mental shake. Who cared what Damian's motives were? All that mattered was that she was getting what she wanted from him. And what she wanted was not some sappy, human, emotional connection.

Even so, a lump had formed in her throat.

"Impressive; I had no idea humans were so comfortable playing on each other's emotions in such a way."

Raven glared at the opposite wall as if it had wronged her; her father was support to be on her side! She was so consumed with bitter thoughts that she almost missed Talia's next words.

"If you break my son's heart, I will break you."

Raven laughed loudly; grasping desperately at the humour and trying to force the crushing self-doubt to the back of her mind.

Turning to Talia, she scoffed, "And what would you do to break me, hum? Kill me? Make me walk around naked and do chores?

"You know what I think?"

Raven moved forwards, allowing her demonic appearance to reveal itself more with every step, until she was staring up at Talia with two sets of glowing red eyes and her demonic aura corroding the air.

Talia couldn't completely hide her revulsion from Raven's senses.

"I think you resent the idea of someone else having the attention of your puppet. Damian believes it, you know?" Raven smiled darkly up at the older woman, her sharp teeth peeking out below her upper lip. "He believes you don't love him. But he's wrong; you do, in your own twisted way. That's why I bother you so much. That's why you're betraying your father's orders and telling me about his little match-making scheme."

Talia's face might have been carved from stone for all the expression it showed, yet Raven could feel her shock, her anger, and her fear.

Chuckling dryly, Raven stepped back, severing her connection to her home realm and regaining her human face.

"Don't worry Talia; I am only here to complete my training because that is what my father wants. Damian's a bit of fun, but I can't be dealing with the infatuation of an angsty, hormonal human."


She had meant it; she really had.

But, when Damian appeared, his eyes flashing angrily and his cold, deadly fury washing over her. It was all Raven could do to stop herself from dragging him to another dimension and having her way with him.

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