Inside the room were wide drawing tables, a room used by the art students who had sketching classes. The brown-haired male went straight to the far corner of the room, nearing the long table that was stacked with different art materials and finished projects.

He went through the stack of papers, searching for his sketched artworks. After a few flips, he found two of his five works. After seeing the last, he didn't waste much more time and left the university, the papers in his hand.

"What the hell?" He mumbled softly while he walked on a lonely street. The street to their dormitory wasn't as lively as it was compared to other avenues. It was rare to even come across another person walking on the same street.

"This is not mine. I don't remember taking this paper, though." As he checked his sketches while he walked, he saw an unfamiliar sketch. He turned the paper around and read the neatly written name.

Bae Sunwoo.

Renjun puckered his lips and shrugged. On his mind, he planned to return it back to the room the following day. About to drop his hand after scanning through the papers, a sudden gush of wind blew, taking him by surprise. What even made his heart jump out of his body was when he saw one of the papers lose from his grip and fly across the street.

Hurriedly, he crossed the street and retrieved the paper, which only continued to be swept away further from him. He tried his best to catch up, slightly pissed at the wind for the trouble that caused him.

Finally, the wind stopped blowing the paper. Renjun let out a sigh of relief. He was never the type of person to put much effort into physical activities, and what he did definitely exasperated him and consumed his energy.

The tip of his white platform Chelsea boots stopped just a few inches away from the white paper. He bent down to pick it up and immediately check for any damages. Seeing no damage, he gathered all the papers and shoved them inside his bag.

Subsequently, he proceeded to walk his way back to his route but whipped his head back and forth from left and right multiple times.

He was at a road he was unfamiliar with.

Confused, he ran a hand through his slightly long brown hair. He was familiar with the streets around the area, and he was pretty sure that he didn't go that far, but how did it happen that he ended up in an unfamiliar street.

An idea popped his mind. He fished his phone that was kept in the back pocket of his pants. However, strangely, he knits his brows as he checked his phone. It was dead.

Renjun was confident that before he left the library, it was fully charged. Double-checking, he pressed the side button for a long time, yet no signs of life from his phone. He let out a long sigh at the situation he was in—lost with a dead phone in the middle of the night, alone.

Trying to recall where he came from, he turned his back and started walking, head constantly turning, observing the area.

His footsteps came to a halt. "Ahh, just what the heck! How is this even possible?" He groaned.

Renjun was walking for the past three minutes, yet not a sight of a familiar road came. He was utterly confused. It wasn't possible. He didn't walk that far to reach an unknown place so, how come?

He gripped his hair as his sanity was slowly betraying him and let out a loud groan as he stopped, dropping his hands to his side. Hair disheveled, he stood in the middle of the road, looking dumb as he stared straight.

All of a sudden, a hand firmly grabbed his upper limb. He turned clockwise and there saw a female who looked as young as him. It startled Renjun so much that goosebumps started to flex on his skin, hair erecting at the same time as he didn't hear a single footstep from the female.

"What on earth are you doing here, Renjun?" She whisper-shout. Once again, she checked the surroundings, mainly behind her.

"Huh?" The male exclaimed in bewilderment, still recovering from the shock. "You're not supposed to be here. How did you even get here?"

"What do you mean? This is technically a common road?" His response turned out to be a question as a hand rested on his chest while he stared at the female.

He didn't specifically know the girl, he didn't even know her name, but he was familiar with her face.

Renjun occasionally just saw her around the campus. All he knew about her was that she was from the Interior Design Department, which was a building away from his department.

"Renjun, answer my question. How did you get here?" the female hissed. "I myself do not know. I just happen to, I don't know, magically arrive here."

As Renjun narrated, the slightly smaller figure couldn't calm herself, constantly checking their surroundings. A soft gasp came out of her lips at the same time as her eyes once again enlarged.

She grabbed Renjun's wrist and dragged him with her, hiding the two of them at the nearest building. "Wha—" Renjun was cut short when she pressed his body against the wall and covered his mouth. "Don't speak," she instructed.

The yellow, almost white-haired female cautiously peeked her head out and shot her head back in a second. Her eyes landed on the male in front of her, and slowly, she dropped her hand away from his mouth.

"What is happening?" he inquisitively whispered. Ignoring him, she once again peeped, squinting her eyes to get a clearer look at the men in black clothing.

A sigh of vexation huffed through her lips as her head dropped. She raised her head, running a hand through her hair to push out all the hair blocking her face, and faced the junior college student. "Let's go," she softly commanded, grabbing Renjun's wrist.

Renjun could only silently follow, allowing the female to drag him, but deep down, he had so much questions running through his mind.

"We're here." With the amount of thoughts Renjun had, he hadn't realized that he was already standing in front of his dormitory complex.

"Close your eyes."

Renjun tilted his head a bit, wondering if he heard her correctly. "What?" The brown-haired male looked at her quizzically. "Just," she sighed. "Close it." Despite the confusion, he did.

Renjun felt her place a hand on top of his head, and slowly, he seemed to be drifted by a calming feeling.

She closed her eyes as she concentrated on what she was doing. Suddenly, she shot her eyes open and withdrew her hand from the male's head.

"Go," she whispers.

The male in front of her opened his eyes, and slowly, he turned his back to her and started walking, entering his shared dormitory without saying anything else.

The male in front of her opened his eyes, and slowly, he turned his back to her and started walking, entering his shared dormitory without saying anything else

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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