Chapter 2

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With the PPEB safely tucked under my arm, I watch the chaos unfold in front of me as the elevator doors open to the common room. Peter is standing on the ceiling eating a pop-tart, Uncle Thor is trying to get the pop-tarts away from Peter, Auntie Pepper is trying to get Peter off the ceiling, Папа is trying to get Sarah to put her shoes back on, Uncle Sam and Uncle Bucky are bickering like children in the corner, Uncle Tony is thumb wrestling with five year old Becca, Auntie Wanda and Тетя (Aunt) Yelena are taking shots of vodka in the corner, and Carol and Valkyrie are watching it all unfold from on top of the kitchen island.

When nobody notices my presence for a solid 30 seconds I set my project on the ground and stick my pointer and pinky fingers into my mouth. Whistling loudly, and sharply, I get everyones attention, Peter even falls off the ceiling.

"Geez, you guys are like a pack of wild animals." I mutter as I rub my temples.

Папа tries to call Sarah back when she runs towards me with only one shoe on. Sarah's blond hair bounces around her shoulders as she runs to my legs, I grab her under her arms and lift her up so she's resting on my hip as she tightly clings to my neck.

I kiss Sarah's little rosy cheek as I throw my backpack across the ground and walk to the couch. I'm greeted with a series of 'Hello' 's and 'Hey, Lyd!' 's from around the room as the Avengers all attempt to collect themselves. I pass my little sister over to Папа as Uncle Thor throws a pop-tart my way. I catch it with one hand and toss it over to Uncle Tony as I'm not very hungry, we all hang out and catch up in the common room for about half an hour before most of us get ready to head down to the training rooms.

After changing into a more appropriate workout outfit, I meet everyone in our usual spot. My black high-rise Lululemon leggings and my emerald green sports bra with a loose white tank top over top allow me to move easily as I knock my superhero family to the ground.

I set my water bottle onto the bench as everyone files into the large room, spreading out to spar with each other or work on individual skills. After stretching, I head over to the fight simulator where Bucky has the level I've been working on ready. I crack my neck and signal for Uncle Bucky to start the hologram just as I get another one.


The room is quiet, too quiet as I walk to the front of the class. Waiting for my turn to start. Waiting to see if this will be the end of my six and a half years of life. Yes, it may seem dramatic, but three girls have already been eliminated today for the slightest mistakes. Because if it's not perfect, if you aren't perfect in any way, the Red Room has no use for you. Therefore there is no use in you living.

I stand in position, ready to prove myself worthy of the Red Room. Ready to prove that there is use in having me, a six year old orphan girl, around the mansion. Ready to prove that they can't break me, that it takes more than no sense of self and having no real sense for the outside world to break me. Ready to prove that I will be useful in the future and that I will be of good service to Dreykov and to the Red Room.

The guard standing in front of me suddenly lunges forwards, I barely step out of the way and kick them as hard as I can in the back of their leg. They fall to one knee and I use the opportunity to send a roundhouse kick to their cheek. They catch my foot right before it makes contact with their chiselled jaw, twisting my leg and sending me to the hard, concrete floor. I quickly roll out from under them. I stand up, ignoring the throbbing pain in my side, arm, and head, I continue to fight until I can't anymore. I fall to my face as the guard sweeps their leg at my feet, my head slams into the concrete ground. Then everything goes black.

*End flashback*

I'm snapped out of my trance by a holographic Hydra agent throwing me to the ground, the image stops and Папа comes running over to me. Apparently I need to get better at hiding the flashes of my past.

"Lyd?" Папа grabs my face lightly and forces me to look into his eyes. "Был ли у вас еще один?" (Did you have another one?) He whispers worriedly, all I can do is nod. Папа pulls me into a hug and holds me close to his chest. Just like he always has, and always will do whenever the Red Room comes back to haunt me.

Burying my face in my fathers chest, he reminds me where I am, who I am, and that I'm not who the Red Room tried so desperately to make me. After a couple more seconds, Папа pulls back and looks into my eyes.

"I'm good, Папа. Я хочу сделать это." (I want to do this) Папа nods and helps me to my feet, he kisses my hair and stands off to the side. I give Uncle Bucky a thumbs up and he starts the simulation.


After working the simulation for a while, I get in the ring with Тетя Yelena with a promise that I'll go easy on her.

"You're on, панк" (Punk) I smirk at her comment, her accent still as thick as when she first came to America as she has made no effort to conceal it.

Yelena cracks her neck as Samuel Wilson rings the bell for us to start. It's not a very fair fight, we both know it. I'm a good fighter, but the last time I had an intense training session with the Red Room I was eight years old. Yelena? She was trained from when she was six to twenty six. And that's before she moved out of the Red Room and focused more on the KGB. I sort of have a disadvantage. Of course, I would never admit it to her.

After a good seven minutes of back and forth, Тетя Yelena sweeps out one of my legs so I'm kneeling, as she goes to wrap herself around my body and fling me to the ground, I wrap my arms around her legs and twist so I'm now behind her. I send an elbow into her back and before she has the chance to recover, I knee her in the stomach, effectively knocking the wind out of my aunt. Just as I'm about to deliver the final blow and end the fight, Тетя Yelena flips me over her shoulder and pins me to the ground. I guess it did end, I just wasn't the one to end it.

The bell dings indicating the fight is over, Тетя Yelena helps me to my feet and wraps an arm over my shoulders, "Good work, ребенок." (Kid) She ruffles my hair and moves towards the locker rooms to get cleaned up.

Everyone continues training with each other, doing their own thing, or hanging out for about another hour before we head back up to the common room and order a dozen large pizzas from Dominos. I check my phone and scroll through instagram while waiting on the food to arrive, Папа sits next to me on the couch and I put my phone down as he keeps staring at me.

"Have you heard from her yet?" I ask him quietly when he just keeps staring into my eyes. Папа shakes his head no and a small smirk comes to my face. "10 bucks says I get the call."

He chuckles slightly and hold out his hand for me to shake, "You're on." I shake his hand, sealing the deal.


Hey, so sorry this took so long to update, I think I'm gonna do Wednesdays and Saturdays so see you on Wednesday I guess lol

Its proabably not the best to be editing this at midnight and then posting it later the next day but whatever sorry for any mistakes please bare with me:/

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and doing your thing, I love you all and have a great day:)


Lydie RogersWhere stories live. Discover now