I took a step forward and the air suddenly became cold and my sharp breath could be seen in puffs. Light dimmed to darkness.

“She’s fading” Jimhaya said behind me. I could feel her heat on my back and it gave me a comfort that I was not alone here.

“What do you mean?” I asked never taking my eyes off Jimmy.

“She’s fading out of existence. Her soul is dying. If she was alone in her body, she would have died of some physical or psychological defect. But the beast and I kept her alive and it’s draining her life away. Touch her”  

I turned around and stared in confusion at Jimhaya.

“Touch her, it will do her so much good”

Hesitantly I raised my fingers that weren’t clutch to Jimhaya and slowly brought them to Jimmy. I didn’t think it would work since she did not look tangible but the moment my hand laid on her shoulder it became solid along with the rest of her body. Jimmy took a deep breath as if she had been under water for a long time. She blinked her eyes and a little life found their way back in them. I kept my grip on her shoulder firm because I was afraid that she would disappear again.

“What the- what are you doing here?” Jimmy asked when she saw me. When she saw Jimhaya behind me she growled “You brought her here?” When Jimhaya didn’t answer, Jimmy scoffed before going on her feet. I hugged her tightly with my free arm and she returned it.

“Hey” I said with a smile. It was crazy how worried I was of her and how I had missed her. I hate to be the clingy one but I couldn’t help it when it came to my lover. Jimmy smiled at me softly gazing at me with her blue eyes. I missed her blue eyes I decided.

Jimhaya coughed behind us. “As much as this reunion is revoltingly cute we need to get going. The faster we get Angel out of here the better”

“What is it that you want to show me?” I asked them. Jimhaya pointed the top of the mountain where darkness lurked around.

“The beast” Jimmy answered.

We resumed our journey to the top, as cliché as it sounds. Jimmy was leading the way and Jimhaya was bringing up the rear. Both my hands were securely gripping each of the girls. I could feel the darkness trying to penetrate me and take control. I could hear it calling me to them but the girls were preventing me of following it. They reminded me of where I was and who I was.

We reached the top in what seemed like hours but I was nowhere near out of breath. There was a crater in the middle of the mountain and what lived there cut my breath short. Sleeping in the pit was a giant beast. It was pure black and the light around it seemed to be absorbed by it. It looked about twelve feet tall and eight feet wide. I could see its huge paws resting under its head. The claws were about six inches long. The head was massive and it had a muzzle. Its eyes were closed and I didn’t even have to see its teeth to know they were about four inches long. Black chains surrounded its entire body and attached themselves around metal links anchored to the stones walls.

“That thing lives inside of you?” I whispered. I didn’t trust my voice at the moment.

“Yup” both girls replied.

“This is what happens when you can’t control the hunger inside you” Jimhaya said.

“It grows until it takes more space in your soul than you can afford” Jimmy finished.

I took a step closer to properly see the bottom. I felt the girls tighten their grip on my hands and I could barely hear their warning. Something was intriguing about the way the beast’s chest was raising up and down. It was captivating but I leaned too close. A small rock fell from under my feet and went tumbling down the crater and hitting the beast on its nose.

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