"I'm sorry."

Clover wanted to say thank you, but that's the only way she knew how.

The red-headed boy looked down at her and his eyebrows furrowed in concern, "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. None of this is your fault."

She hummed in response, not knowing what else to say. It wasn't her fault, George was right. But, she couldn't bring herself to put the blame on him. Not right now.

A few moments of comfortable silence passed and Clover's eyes began to drift in and out of sleep.


"Yeah, carrot crotch?"

She heard him chuckle before his voice rasped out again, "I don't like you kissing other boys."

They were just tired words, vulnerable words that were only spoken deep into the night. She knew that, but maybe it was for the same reason that her heart clung onto them. And she hoped that in the morning, he still meant them.

"Me neither," she whispered before both of them fell asleep to their tired words and tired hearts.

Clover was wrong; completely and utterly wrong. George's words meant nothing, and clearly neither did she. It had been a week since Angelina stormed out. A whole week of no Angelina, no George, and double shifts for both Clover and Lee. The ginger was barely seen since that night. He was spending every second in his room, not coming to work, and not even being seen in the shop for more than 5 minutes. It was like the second Angelina was gone, George was too. And, Clover was fed up with it.

"Just one," Lee pleaded from next to the blonde girl at the register.

"Touch me and your  hands will be chopped off," she responded, a teasing yet serious smile on her face.


"I do not like hugs."

"Everyone likes hugs," the dark-haired boy gasped while pointing at her accusingly.

Clover turned to ring up a customer as she responded, "Everyone but me."

"You give Babs hugs," Lee argued back, carefully placing the customer's purchases in a bag.

"Babs is my best friend," she laughed in exasperation, "He's different."

"But you're my bean," Lee pouted, handing the bag to the customer as he frowned, "How about-,"


"Just one-," his arms began hovering over her and a mischievous smirk formed on his lips.


"Let me touch you!" He screamed as he began chasing Clover around the shop, ignoring the concerned stares from the customers shopping around.

"Never, you git!"

He caught up to her and swung her over his shoulder. Her fists began pounding on his back as he started shouting, "I'm only putting you down once you give me a hug."

The door rung and Clover looked up from her position in Lee's grasp to see who it was. Suddenly, Clover was face-to-face with Angelina Johnson.

"Angelina?" Clover spoke, Lee turning around to see if she was really there.

"Ang, you're back," his smiled was genuine and relieved, for more reasons than one.

"Oi, you git," Clover pounded at his back again," Put me down, I don't think she wants to be staring at my arse."

"Right," both Lee and Angelina let out a small chuckle.

He set the blonde girl down and Clover turned around so that she was facing the other two. Looking at the other girl sent a wave of unnecessary guilt. It was George who was in this mess, but for some reason Clover felt the need to apologize and explain for him.

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