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RIPLEY POV the team and i were all currently going through the dance for regionals but it was the absolute last thing on my mind

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the team and i were all currently going through the dance for regionals but it was the absolute last thing on my mind

our plan has to be perfect if we want to win regionals. "you're getting better it's clean but it needs to be cleaner." miss angela told us as we stood up 

"Operation get rid of Miss Angela from the next step starts now"

"The biggest smiles you've got all right that's what we're looking for." miss angela said as all of our focus shifted when ms kate walked in the studio, making us all smile from ear to ear "those are the smiles I'm talking about."

we all immediately cheered, running over to hug the women who was just as happy to see us "excellent, well miss kate, you and I are going to lunch. so everybody great jobs go on back in there and clean it up." miss angela told us and we all sighed going back over

miss angela and miss kate left and lily went into the office, the team and i all gathered around "guys we don't have a lot of time to do this so this plan as they go off without a hitch." richelle started as they all faced us

"or we're doomed." i went over the plan until we were interrupted by lily

"guys! what are you doing? I thought we were supposed to be rehearsing. what's going on." she asked and the team turned to me since i usually come up with lie's quickly

"oh yeah sorry, ozzy was just telling us about how he ate a cookie that fell in kingston shoe." i said before looking to the side, confused at my own lie. but the team backed it up

"she's right. I ate the whole thing. I'm a gross weirdo." ozzy agreed

"not your best work." noah whispered from behind me and i slapped his arm subtly

"man shut up." i muttered

"yeah ew. ok so like my mom said this dance has got to be so much tighter so-"

"you know what, I think we have some important business in studio one. so why don't we go to work on our trio. you guys heard Lily said." richelle said cutting her off

"all right. we're gonna go work on our trio. work on the dance, it's gotta look perfect before my mom comes back from lunch. understand?" she said as richelle and i pulled her out the studio and they all agreed

we once we left and richelle had lily half way to studio one, i peaked my head back in studio a and have them a thumbs up. they all ran in there perspective directions and i laughed going back to catch up with my sister and lily

richelle lily and i were all in the middle of the trio and it wasn't horrible. but richelle and i could be doing a lot better. i mean i feel kinda bad about pretending to be her friend.

while cleaning parts of the dance i noticed ozzy in the office and my jaw dropped as i pulled lily away from the window

"If Lily sees Ozzy this whole plan is ruined and I might hurt him."

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