chapter 4: That's impossible...

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The woman with white hair rested her back against the wall as she took in the sun. It was bright and comforting but as the winds blew she couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved.

She didn't know why she was feeling the way she was. She first thought it was because she didn't feel safe and so she had taken to going through each level of the building to see if that was the case.

Yet as she did so the feeling still persisted and so she came to rest where she now was after a while of going back and forth.

She narrowed her eyes as the sat of the floor the black dress she wore fanning out around her as she mindlessly fiddled with her hands as she gazed out at the view in front of her.

Her slightly heeled shoes clapped together unconsciously and it was only when she heard the noise it produced did she stop. She shook her head as she joked in her head how she was acting like an impatient child, a small brief laugh fell from her lips as she did so.

Yet she questioned herself, she didn't have anything to wait for, so why wasn't she doing something to occupy her time.

She could go exploring around the ruins, or travel even further if she truly wanted. She could gather more information about those machines she had encountered, surely there had to be more types and Their capabilities for speaking intrigued her slightly.

But she didn't really feel like fighting more then she had to.

She sighed and started to stand when a loud unfamiliar sound started to ring out through the area.

She had just gotten off her knees when it reached her and she paused, her body going still as she was crouched close to the floor.

As she waited the sound only grew louder yet at some point she also heard another sound, similar to the first, following it.

She slowly edged towards the shadows behind her as it seemed to stop to the roof of a building to the left of her one.

Once she had reached the cover of shadows she silently made her way to one of the windowless openings on the far left of the level she was in and came to a stop when she was leaning against the wall next to it, still hidden by the shadows.

She waited for a minute peeking out to look at the outside every 10 or so seconds. Each time she did nothing changed, the same deer were there and didn't seem bothered by anything, she was on the edge of relaxing her body when she heard it.

Voices, followed by the distinct sound of footsteps.

She should have been overjoyed but,with what was on the documents she had read when she had woken up, the feeling she was experiencing was closer to being fear.

The voice she was hearing was, what she made out to be, a young males voice. She couldn't make out exactly what he was saying but he seemed to be talking to someone.

She was so shocked the she froze, her mind began making excuses unwilling to even think there was a possibility that the voice belonged to a human boy.

'Maybe its my imagination, I'm just so alone my mind is just creating something that sounds human.' she tried to rationalize it that way.

'if that's the case why didn't it happen sooner than this, and right after those sounds? Unlikely.' the other voice replied, its tone akin to that of a curious child.

The woman rolled her eyes at the reply wanting to shush the voice before remembering it was in her head and instead threw another possibility its way.

'Maybe its one of those machines, the one we first came across spoke, didn't it?'

'Briefly, it only said one word, and even then it repeated it. This voice seems to be having a full conversation. Whether with a companion or not there's only one way to find out... Well two ways, either you poke our head out or you wait to see if there's a reply from something.'

The voice seemed to be trying to get her to look out and see, perhaps it wanted for what it knew too to be false... Not that it truly mattered to it anymore.

Yet the woman couldn't bring herself to for a reason she didn't know.

A feeling sat nestled in her heart, an uncomfortable one.

But she took a deep breath and shook her head hoping for the feeling to lift as turned to looked out.

And what she saw shocked her to her core.

Walking across the grassy area was two human beings but deep down something told her they weren't, and it wasn't the voice.

One looked to be a young boy, looked to be in his mid teens and wore a black coat,shorts and boots, and looked to be were the voice was coming from.

His companion was taller than him and looked to be a young woman in her early twenties. She wore a black dress and seemed to have on long black high heels.

As the young woman stared at them her body fell to its knees as her hands caught the wall to stop her from falling completely.

She looked on towards them for as long as she could, her brain slowly taking in what was before it.

That was until out of the corner of her eye she noticed a blue transparent replica of her spear pointed directly towards the pair that was walking.

Upon realising the implications to what was to happen next she put her hand out to push it away, even just slightly if she could.

And without realising it she had done so while shouting 'no'.

And in the span of a couple of seconds many things happened.

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