Well, this Isn't Good...

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Loki's POV

A lot of emotions and thoughts were going through my head as I neared my apartment. I left Sylvie's office and decided not to go back to work. It'd be pointless anyway.

And, it wouldn't help the ache in my heart as I knew I had to leave. There was no other way to fix this. And as much as I wanted to stay, I didn't want to fail the world from which I came.

I didn't want to fail the people to who I either already failed or will be a failure as the person who always messes it up. After all, wasn't that my duty there?

But, no matter what had to happen or what had, I knew I had to go back. Part of me thought of going to tell Mobius about me having to leave but thought against it just as fast.

As he didn't need to know, I would leave and the moment I did someone would inform him. While I had no clue and would be in the same place. Cuffs on my hands being escorted by the avengers, aka my brother's cult worship of those who they deem deserve it.

Like heroes who want to be that. What about those who were forced into it? Who was forced into playing the bad guy what do we get?

We get to forget that we were ever happy and get treated like it's always our fault when we only do what we have to.

But that's always the case. People who don't want it get it, and then get treated like shit for it. And that's what was happening now.

And we would all let it because those who work for the TVA live forever. Meaning Mobius and all these other idiots have an eternity to get over me and forget. Whereas I never get to know this happened at all.

I hated it. I hated all of it. I hated leaving the TVA, I hated leaving Mobius, I hated that I couldn't be happy. But most of all, I hated that the timeline, a stupid no living object with no emotions thought it knew what was best for me.

I knew what was best for me, no one else. Especially not something with no emotions. I tried that for a while. Pretending that I didn't hate killing people and I didn't hate everything I did to hurt those I cared about. But I did, and look where it got me.

With a bunch of emotional trauma and hatred towards those who could and did care for people. Aka everyone.

But that's not the point. The point is, once again I had no power over anything, and I would be played as the bad guy in the timeline forever.

Which I would have to deal with. And I had the time to process and think about what was happening with the timeline and myself while Sylvie found some alternatives. We both knew there would be none.

But at least it gave me time with Mobius. At least to some extent. After all, I hated leaving without saying goodbye. Little did I k ow he would know about my goodbye before I had the thought to plan it out.

Cause the moment I unlocked the door and stepped out I was faced with the one person I needed to be away from. Seeing his face right now would make me cry.

"Mobi? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be working?" I asked, stunned and confused.

"I could ask you the same thing, but it doesn't seem important right now," he said, the sorrow and anger dripping off his voice.

"Why not?" I asked, concerned at what happened. Even though I already knew. But that wouldn't change things a bit.

"Your leaving, I had Tommy tell me earlier. And I need as much time as I can get with you," he said. More pain than anger taking his voice now.

I stood there shocked. He knew. And not only that, but he was going to be there for me during this.

Of course, he was, he was Mobius after all.

I walked toward him and hugged him, burying my head in his chest. And let the first tears that nightfall on his shirt and blazer.

Which only made him hug me tighter.

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