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Paxton pulled up outside my house and I turned to him. "ill call you?" I asked. "you will" he said pecking my lips. "bye" I said getting out of the car. "see ya" i heard him say. I waved at him as I approached my front door. He waved back and started to drive.

I kissed Paxton Hall fucking Yoshida.

I went into the house with the biggest smile on my face and then my mom came running. "honeyyyy" she said. "mommmm" I giggled. "how would you like to enter the 'Miss Sherman Oaks' competition" she asked. "the what" I said. "you get dressed up in a beautiful dress and dance with your partner and stuff and if you win your miss Sherman Oaks its only for girls at your school sooo what ya say" she explained. "sure" I said and she started jumping up and down. After that I said I was going upstairs.

I was halfway up when my mom called me, she ran to the bottom of the stairs. "forgot to tell you that you. Need. A. Date" she said. "I have someone in mind" I said as I carried on walking. I heard her squeel and go back to whatever she was doing.

I flopped on my bed and decided to text Paxton. I was gonna call him but he might still be driving.

- Paxton-

Hey, you home?

Just walking up to my
Room, wanna call?


I answered the call and heard his voice. "heyy" he said. "hii" I replied. "what did your mom want what was so important?" he asked. "oh I'm going to enter the 'miss Sherman oaks' thing for her" I said. " I heard about that, girls have been leaving me notes asking me to be their date" he said. "right" I giggled. "I need you help finding me a date". I said. I decided. I was gonna play with him for a bit.

"mmm does anyone want to be your date." he asked confused. "idk I might ask Trent" I said and heard him sigh. "mm why don't you ask Paxton Yoshida I heard he likes you" he said. "oh does he now" I said. "it's what I heard" he said.

"okay Imma dm him now but I'll stay on the call" I said. "okay" he laughed.


             -Paxton Hall Yoshdia-

                                        Hey, wanna go to        
                          Miss sherman oaks with
Of course, I thought
You'd never ask ;)

"well he said yes" I said over the phone. "he's a lucky guy" Paxton said. "and I'm a lucky girl, I mean I'm probably gonna have my eyes clawed out by half the school but Its worth if" I laughed. "well that guy wouldn't let that happen" he said. "well I'll see you tommorow, wear a suit" I said. "alright bye" he said before the line cut off.

I giggled to myself and swung my legs over the end of the bed. I walked to my bathroom and turned on the Shower. I prepared myself for bed and it took me about an hour to do all that. What can. I say I take long showers.

Now I'm gonna have a busy day tommorow.

Well, Eliza you will have a busy day. Who knows who's gonna be at the Miss Sherman Oaks.

Btw Its a made up event but you could think of it kinda like miss mysic falls from the vampire diaries.
I'm not coppiying I'm just using it as inspiration.

-not just a pretty face- (Paxton Hall Yoshida) Where stories live. Discover now