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The cascading moonlight shone through the glass doors of the street-side convenience store. The clamorous sounds of paper shuffling along with the noise of the cashier woman on the phone echoed into my ear canal. I scanned through the confection filled shelves, after running my fingers through the seemingly endless row of boxes, I bestowed my eyes upon a cuboid box of chocolate chip cookies. I tilted my body backwards to get a closer look at the box of enjoyable treats. My grey sight orbs zoomed into the cute picture of a cartoon cat on the corner of the box, how cute. My thumb and index finger dug into the push-tabs on the sides of the cardboard to get a better grip on the object, I felt the foil sachets pricking me lightly from the inside. My feet crept over to the small fridge of marble soda, selecting the citrus flavor instantaneously. I skimmed through the sweet and savory area of the store, laying my eyes on the bag of lemon lollipops, ideal for my massive sweet tooth! My school shoes clicked below me as I ushed over to the cash register. The lady eyed me up and down, plastered on her face was a look of disgust, or perhaps intimidation? Most middle-aged women are scared by my hostile, sharp appearance. My tall, slender figure hovered over her as I placed my items on top of the wooden platform. I impatiently waited for her to scan and bag my food so I could leave as soon as possible.

"That would be one-thousand-three-hundred yen." The lady behind the counter said with a forced smile. I shoved my hand into my cardigan pocket and pulled out two, scrunched up one-thousand yen banknotes. I handed the bills to the woman and gripped onto the handle of the plastic bag holding my items.

"Thank you, have a good day." I blurted, grinning awkwardly whilst speedily pacing out of the store. But a sudden, sharp feeling erupted from my chest. The face of a slightly shorter girl was plunged into the polyester of my button-up shirt.

"I'm sorry, forgive me for my clumsiness!" The girl briskly looked up; her face flushed red from embarrassment. She looks somewhat familiar...

"Kitamura-san?" I inquired in pure shock.

"Do I know you? Are you from Kanagawa High too?"

"My bad, I'm Okawa Keiko, a first year." I lowered my torso, bowing in respect for my upperclassman.

"Oh, I see." The corners of her mouth curved upwards, forming a subtle smile. "I see you already know my name." I nodded, my eyes scanning all over the place, clueless on what to say next.

"I'm afraid I must get going, it was a pleasure meeting you, Okawa-chan."

Chan? She's so cute! Using childish honorifics when you're a second year is something only friends would do. Kitamura-san is so cute!

"Sure, See you later." I shifted my body to the left, accidently blocking her path. I shifted again to the right, along with Kitamura. This was most definitely an awkward situation. She giggled, those giggles slowly turned into playful laughter. The same flush of red was plastered onto her face, highlighting her blueish-greyish orbs.

"My apologies! I'm sorry, it's hard to move when the doors are this narrow." I chuckled nervously, placing my hand on the back of my neck,

"No, it's quite alright!" Kitamura put her hand in level with mine, shaking it. "I shall see you soon."

Kitamura's charm is so engaging, she's different.


I am making this book in third person. if anything is written out of third person, please apply the correct words to make it third person.

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