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[Ace] First years!

[Deuce] Don't shout when I'm next to YOU!

[Ace] Sorry :<

[Ace] Anyways, who has done their homework???

[Epel] Which homework?

[Ace] That assignment from magic history

[Epel] . . . . .

[Epel] Shoot! I completely forgot about it!

[Deuce] I've done mine

[Deuce] But Grim stole it from me

[Ace] What about you, Jack???

[Jack] I . . . .

[Jack] I ate my homework

[Deuce] You did what?!

[Ace] Goddammit Jack! I was just about to ask u to let me copy ya!

[Epel] Why would you even eat your own homework?

[Jack] I couldn't really do it and got fed up after 4 hours of trying to complete it

[Jack] So I ate it whole

[Epel] . . . . .

[Deuce] What about Sebek?

[Sebek] Don't ask me such ridiculous questions

[Silver] He burned his assignment by accident after Malleus-sama praised him

[Sebek] Silver! Why are you here and WHY DID YOU RATTED ME OUT?!

[Silver] Because I knew you wouldn't tell them the truth. Also, quit shouting into my ear

[Ace] So in conclusion, we're all going to be in trouble tomorrow

[Ace] Yes! I won't have to bear the shame and embarrassment alone! >:3

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