"You probably think I'm a stalker for knowing where you live, but I just remember that you said your sister lives here, and I thought that maybe you could be living with her. Or you're just his sister. If you're not him, please just give this letter to him or burn it.

Okay, if you continued reading you're the real Ethan. I'm sorry that I'm bothering you again (I'm not) but I need to meet you on the beach again. The private beach we aren't allowed to go to.

You don't have to and I'm probably an idiot for wanting this from someone I don't even know. I don't even have your number so I'm writing this stupid thing. But if you want to help a girl out, go there at 10 pm and save me from my undying embarrassment.

Besides, I owe you a cigarette.


In my whole life I didn't think a girl I drove somewhere would ask me to go to the place we met...over a letter. It's so strange, but somehow It brought a smile to my face, imagining her rambling it and being all awkward.

Why the fuck am I smiling?

I shove it away, trying to form my lips into a line. I stand back up, the letter staying on the ground, and turn around. I'm definitely not going, she's probably gonna ask me to drive her somewhere again, what else would she need me for?

And if I didn't show up, I'm sure she would wait for me around 10 minutes and just go away. She would think she left it in front of the wrong house. I'm sure she wouldn't get hurt if I don't show up.


"Look at what I got."Len bursts through the door of my room, his voice pitched like it is when he's excited.

Of course, the only thing he would be excited about laid between his fingers, wrapped in two joints. My panicked body from the sudden burst lays back on my bed again.

"Can you at least knock on the damn door?"I groan.

"Then what's the fun in having my own key? It's not like you jerk off like ever, so..."he explains, shrugging and I just drop it.

I didn't do anything today. It's currently 5 pm and the only walk I got was to the kitchen to eat and take my pills, and then to my room where I crashed on my bed. Len on the other side looks really energetic. He probably snorted something or drank too many Redbulls.

"Damn you look like shit."he stops on the doorstep of my room, looking down at me with creased brows.

"Yeah, thanks. And you're heavy to carry to the car."I say back, referring to last night when I had to carry him to the car, because he was still unconscious.

"Well, I'm sorry I have a sensitive skull."he points at his red eye.

"A sensitive wha-"

"But that's not the case right now. The important thing is that we're both in a state for smoking and that's what we're going to do."he lifts up the two joints again, stepping further into the room.

I sigh and move to sit on the edge of the bed, him laying down with his back against the headboard. He throws me one of the joints and I catch it, immediately putting it between my teeth. I haven't smoked in a month, and fuck did I miss it.

My body isn't that bad now. Guess, five painkillers and a shower help.

"So...what happened yesterday? You know, after they knocked me out."he asks before he lights up his joint.

"They beat me a little, but then I pulled out the gun and they ran away. I didn't even have to use it."I shrug. Well, I had to to scare them away, but I didn't shoot on them.

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