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"What do you want?
What do you want from me?"

Ethan Marlow

"Get up."my annoying sister's voice wakes me up, making me groan. I wave with my hand with my eyes still closed, stopping her hand from poking me in the back.

"Fuck off."I rasp out, creasing my brows together.

My whole body is hurting so I don't need her annoying me this early in the morning.

It was a pretty rough night. We found some of them and even if we won, they still beat us up pretty bad. My sister didn't know of course, she thinks I got drunk and got in a bar fight so now she wants to rub it in my face.

"I don't care about your fucking hangover, I want money, I'm going grocery shopping."she sighs, poking me once more on the back.

I groan again and roll around so I lay on my back, opening my eyes. Of course when I do it the fucking sun shines right in them, causing me a headache. I groan again and quickly take my wallet put of my pocket, tossing it at her so she can leave me alone.

I hear her make a happy gasp before she finally goes quiet.

But now I can't fucking go back to sleep.

I groan once again as I get up from the bed, feeling all my muscles tense. I wince at the feeling, but still manage to sit up on the edge.

"Who were you fighting with in this bar? Some fucking bear?"I hear my sister again and when I look around, I see her kneeling in the hallway, tying her shoes.

I fucking wish.

I just look around, feeling my one eye burn when I move it too fast. I rub my other one and wince once again, because of the pain in my knuckles. Just when I hear the door opening, I finally speak.

"Are there some painkillers or something?"I ask, my hoarse voice loud enough for her to stop.

"No, but I'll get some. Didn't you have weed or something?"she asks, making me smirk, looking down at my lap.

Her first solution for anything is weed.

"Not anymore."I rasp out.

"Stoner."she jokingly says before she closes the door after her.

I stand up from my bed, cussing under my breath. If I remember correctly there were around three guys there. It only took Len one punch in the face for him to fall unconscious and from then I had to handle three large men on my own.

Good thing they weren't armed.

But as I walk across the living room something catches my attention from the door. Since Tonya got out, something dropped there. Something like a piece of paper.

Oh fuck, I swear to god, if it's the cops-

Panic washes over me and my eyes go wide, thinking about all the possible things that could be written there. What if it's one of them? What if it's the cops? Or what if it's some message for my sister from her girlfriend and I accidentally read it?

No, no, she probably saw the paper when it fell down. If she didn't bother to tell me what it was then it's probably nothing.

Before I know it, my feet start carrying me towards the door. I quickly sit down, ignoring the pain in my ribs when I do it, and open it.

"Hey, before you freak out, don't worry, it's Jade. You know, that annoying girl from the beach yesterday"

The second I read that first sentence, relief washes over me, but also confusion.

The BeachNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ