𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚢|| ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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I had just gotten done with my volunteer work at the local preschool and was heading to my neighbor's house with some goodies. My neighbor was an old lady named Grace, maybe in her late eighties, and a young man named Callum in his early to mid twenties, probably her caretaker. They were always very kind, especially the old lady. The man would help me whenever he had time and the old lady always made my day better whenever I was stressed

I had grabbed a pie from the bakery across from the preschool, she loved the pies from there but wasn't able to get them herself so I decided I would, it was always worth it to see the joy on her face. I stopped in front of the door and knocked a couple times before waiting for the door to open. The door opened and there stood Callum, he looked me up and down before smiling and opening the door all the way so I could step in "She hasn't stopped asking about you." He said with a chuckle

I stepped inside and immediately noticed the fragile old lady making her way towards us with a grin. "Hello Grace, I got the pie for you like usual." I smiled at her and her face lit up "Oh thank you, you're such an angel!" I giggled as we made our way to the living room and I gave her the pie. I stayed and talked with Callum for a bit before leaving

My other next-door neighbors waved to me and I waved back. In that house there was a man in his mid fifties named Kevin, a woman in her late fourties named Jennifer, a little boy named Dustin and a little girl who went to the preschool I volunteer at named Ruby. They were on their way to Hawaii for vacation

I unlocked my door and stepped in shutting it and locking it behind me. I kicked my shoes off and dropped my keys on the stand next to the door before shuffling to the living room and plopping down on the couch. I sighed heavily as I looked up at the ceiling. My phone buzzed in my pocket so I grabbed it out and looked at it to see it was a message from my best friend and coworker

Bestie 😌: Hey! Was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Maybe go for a drink?

You: Idk F/N, I kinda just wanna stay home today

Bestie 😌: Aww cmon, there'll be tons of cute boys 😏 and girls-

You: Pffft ok ok, maybe

Bestie 😌: Pleeeaaase! I need you to be my wingman/woman!

You: Alright fine, but you owe me

Bestie 😌: Yay!

I set my phone down with a sigh and a giggle, of course I was gonna go anyways simply because I needed a drink. I stood up and walked to my room to change out of my work uniform and into something more comfortable yet still presentable for the bar


It had been a few hours and F/N still hadn't texted me or shown up, I sighed as I laid on the couch covering my eyes with my arm. A knock on the door nearly made me fall off the couch as I got up to unlock it, I opened the door with a heavy sigh to see F/N, a huge grin on their face "Ready?" I nodded "Just give me a sec." I slipped my Converse on and grabbed my keys before shutting and locking the door

"Dude, you are NOT gonna believe who's coming with!" They were practically bouncing as we made our way to their car, "Who?" My curiosity grew as they looked to me with a mischievous smile "You'll see." I sighed, I should've known they'd do that, they loved keeping me on edge. We got into the car and made our way to the bar


We walked into the bar and immediately I noticed the person F/N was talking about. A young man in his mid twenties with dyed red hair and bright blue eyes with freckles that covered his face, his name was Jamie, he's the math teacher at the preschool I volunteer at, he was extremely kind and all the kids loved him. When he noticed me he waved with a giant smile on his face, we walked over and I realized what F/N was doing, they had been talking to me about getting a partner. I looked over at F/N and sighed, they gave me a mischievous look before punching my arm lightly and running off to go talk to some girls

I sighed and sat down beside Jamie, I didn't have anything against him I was just extremely awkward with people. He leaned against the bar counter and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, he looked to me with a big smile and tried to break the silence "So, how's your day been?" I cleared my throat and smiled looking down "It was alright, a bit stressful but that's what you get when you work with a bunch of kids all day." We both chuckled at that

The conversation was going good and we ordered some drinks as we continued talking, we shared jokes and laughed together. Jamie was surprisingly easy to talk to and his jokes were amazing, it was no wonder kids loved him so much. Jamie wrote something on a small piece of paper and slid it over to me with a smile "Call me sometime or text me, maybe we can do this again." He paid the bartender and waved goodbye to me before leaving

I looked down at the paper to see he wrote down his number, I giggled softly and finished my drink before standing up, I made my way to F/N who was obviously way too drunk to drive. I sighed and propped them up as we made our way to their car. I drove them home and decided to walk home

It wasn't too far away and I knew my way back, I just wanted to enjoy the cool breeze. I sighed as I looked up at the sky, the moon shone brightly in the night sky and the stars twinkled. I smiled and looked forward noticing I was almost home. I opened the door and stepped inside before locking the door and setting my keys on the stand beside the door, I pulled the piece of paper with Jamie's number on it out of my pocket and smiled

'Today was a good day..'

𝙴𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 {𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora