...The World Will Keep Spinning, And Bring Us Back Together Some Day [Epilogue]

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's not over just yet!" Iura shouted as he smiled. "We still got a whole day on the beach!"

"I'm surprised you wanted to go, Sengoku." Tooru said as Sengoku got curious.

"Hm? Why is that?" "Well you're all skin and bones, I thought for sure..." Tooru immediately responded. 

Sengoku smiled. "Oh that? I'm not taking off anything."

"Its gonna be burning hot, I think you'll wanna take it off, Goku." You said as he gave you a dead stare.

"Then I'll die with clothes on." He claimed as you already knew Miyamura wasn't taking his off. But you though Sengoku would at least do it, besides, now it was time to have fun! You all soon parked and walk on the beach.

Iura, Remi, and Yuki all leaped in the air with bright smiles. "WHOO!! BEACH HERE WE COME!"

They then touched the sand and immediately recoiled. "Ow! Ow! Hot hot hot!"

"Hmm, seems like the sun is causing trouble again." Tooru said as you put a finger on your chin.

"How do we block out the Sun?" "You can't." Sengoku brought you down to look at him.

"Uh...why are you sweating so much?" Iura asked the former president, as his back was already soaked in sweat.

"IT'S JUST HEAT!" Sengoku shouted as he held his head. "Can we just find a place to go?"

"Sure go ahead." Tooru said as he gently pushed Sengoku onto the sand.

"HOOOOOOT!!!" Sengoku shouted as he rushed back.

"So it looks like we should find where we wanna go before we get there." Akane said as he put on his glasses.

Tooru looked at his girlfriend. "See any places open?"

"Hmm, not quite... oh! There!" She pointed to the far right as everyone's heads moved towards it.

"That's really far out! How can you see that far?!" Miyamura looked at her as she moved her glasses up as they shined.

"So we all make a break for it?" Kyoko asked as Sawada started to jog in place.

"Alright, on my mark." You said as everyone prepared to run. "3..2...1...GO!!"

You all leapt onto the sand as quickly as possible and then started to run on it. Sounds of pain came from your group as the hot sand sinked in your feet and onto your legs. Soon you all dropped your stuff off and rushed into the water. The face of relief passed on all your faces. "AHHHHHHH~"

"Here we go! TAKE THIS!!" You shouted as leaped in the air and did your own cannon ball into the water. The splash of water flowed on some of the group.

"Hey-! Gah! What are you doing?!" Kyoko was mad as you just splashed her face again.

"Calm down, just relax!" You shouted as Kyoko gained red eyes as you giggled. Soon Yuki hugged you from behind, she had a big smile. "...?"

You tried to move but you couldn't. You looked to your right to see Tooru smiling as well. "Uh...."

A touch on your left revealed Iura with a smile, "...!... Let me go!!"

You realized what they were doing but it was too late, they tossed you into the ocean as they all smiled. And soon, a full on water fight broke out. The girls protected Akane for some reason, it was if he wasn't a part of the guy nor girls group.  If anyone from the outside looked, they'd see a bunch of students playing in the water with a friendly water fight. But that was wrong for multiple reasons, the first one being that you weren't students. Although, time brought you all closer together, this was something you still thought about. Your graduation day still fresh in your mind, you weren't lying when you said you worked for this. Traveling to everyone's houses and asking their family, covering the expenses, days, so they all could have fun. You smiled, and were thankful for all that you were given.

Horimiya: Plus One (Male Reader x Yuki Yoshikawa)Where stories live. Discover now