What would have happened if Kei rejected Kiyotaka? p2

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Kei pov

A previous day

I find myself standing here near her bed, a little confused by what she just said

"I didn't mean that, I asked you if you would like to go out with me"

my words could not come out, I stuttered in my reply, I did not expect him to tell me this, not after saying that I could go after shina-san, I wanted to answer him 'if I would also like to go out with you', but I can not not after what I She did witness, I was really jealous that he was with other girls, so let's play a joke on him.

With a strong determination to achieve my goal, I looked into his eyes unlike her usual attitude, her eyes conveyed how anxious she was at my answer.

"I'm sorry, I can't reciprocate your feelings" that was the answer I gave him, for a moment I saw that her face turned into surprise, in that case I expected her to accept it?
if so she was right, if not for the fact of shina -San

"I see, then that would be it" that was the answer she gave me, although I did not know that those words actually have a deep meaning.

"Well I'll go" with those words I left his room, to go quickly to mine and think about what happened a while ago, it was good that I made that joke, I don't know but I hope I don't regret doing that.


Today was a different day, I received a confession from the boy I like, although I am regretting my answer, I want to fix that for this reason I thought about wearing the necklace that he gave me on his birthday, I hope he gets the message.

time skip

Today was a hectic morning, after arriving in my classroom, many of the girls noticed the necklace and gathered around me to ask who gave it to me, she was very embarrassed but I had to stay strong.

at that moment I saw a boy enter that called my attention, not only that is who I am in love with, it is kiyotaka but this time I felt something different, I did not turn to see myself, I just looked at the crowd and sat down.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him talking to Matsushita, the most likely is that I asked him if he is the one who gave me the necklace, Mouu is shameful even to think when he gave it to me.

time skip

After saying goodbye to the girls, I went to my room I wanted to call kiyotaka to ask him to meet, I wanted to give him my true answers, I don't want anyone else to take it.

I felt afraid of losing him, all day he never returned the look I gave him as if he was not interested in me.

After calling him several times and leaving him several messages, I lay in my bed with sadness, fear, Kiyotaka did not answer me, I did not want him to leave my side, they are so sorry for what I did yesterday.

time skip

A week has passed since "that" day, kiyotaka never answered me, in class he does not see me or look back at me, I tried to contact him but failed, the looks he gave him daily were decreasing not because he did not want to see him, but because every time I saw him those words pierced my heart.

" would you like to date me"

Those words made my heart break but it's my fault, kiyotaka tried hard to tell me that and instead what I did, I didn't answer him with the truth and made a joke.

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