"Yeah, but, like I said Quackity from Las Nevadas had been with me all day."

"No, it's a pick up line. I mean, unless he meant to say mine. F-ck, I hope that's not a threat that he's been under the city with dynamite. We should have security do some checks or something." His mind kept flashing to Michael, Michael in danger, little Michael all alone and exposed in the house. "Something sus is going on here." Quackity and Michael and TNT. His hands were shaking. "Hey, look, could you cover for me? I have something I need to go do."

He was antsy the whole way up the mountain as his boots crunched through the deep snow. A cloud of breath floated around his head. It made it hard to see, but he couldn't stop how fast he was breathing, not until he was home in their house in Snowchester.

He yanked open the door, causing snow to fall from the roof onto his head. He shook it off, a small dusting still sticking to his horns. There, standing in the warm glow was the little zombie piglin they'd adopted as their son. "Michael! Oh thank god!" he sighed, kneeling down and scooping up the toddler in his arms. Michael snuggled up to him.

"He's been watching from the window for you," a voice said from the kitchen sink. It was stiff, but still held a kindness to it and a warm accent that felt like home.

"Ranboo!" He was too relieved to see his husband to be annoyed with the half black, half white, half Enderman. He grabbed Ranboo, dishcloth and all, and hugged him with Michael squished between them. He pulled back, looking Ranboo in his green and red eyes. "So this is where you ran off to. I was worried."

"You didn't come to check," Ranboo said. He sounded a little hurt.

"I thought you might need some space."

"Then why are you here, now?"

"Somebody said... something... and I just really needed to see Michael."

Ranboo frowned. "I know you have your secrets and I have mine. But is this one of them?"

Tubbo glanced away from his husband. "Yes."

"But it's about our son!"

"...I know. I want to tell you, I really do. But... I'm afraid it might change things."

"Quackity?" Ranboo rarely pushed, he must really look upset.

"No. Well... yes and no."

"You can just leave."

"No!" he caught himself. "No. Don't get me wrong, I love working at the Tubburger, I love living in Las Nevadas and waking up and seeing the city in my window. But... You know, this wasn't the plan and Quackity... He's been harder to deal with lately."

"Why did you give him the outpost?"

"I didn't want to, I had to. And it's not like it's 100% his or anything."

"Why did you have to?"

Tubbo looked down into the face of the little piglin clinging to him, "It was better for Michael this way. Look, I don't want to talk about the outpost anymore. It's done. I know it's not what you wanted, it's not what I wanted either, but I really do think it was for the best. And Quackity, you know, I've known him for a long time. He's not so bad. It's just whenever Wilbur's around - he was in town today. Look, I know you think Wilbur's got some goodness in him."

"He does," Ranboo said.

Tubbo stroked Ranboo's arm. "I'm not saying you're wrong. I mean, I've known Wilbur since the beginning, since Philza found me. Him and Tommy are like brothers to me. I know there's good in him. But you know, when he came back to life and saw L'Manberg... He was practically giddy with excitement when he thought he was the one who turned it into a crater. He was actually disappointed when he found out it wasn't from him.  You were there, you remember."

The Blinding Light of Sunrise - TNT Duo Dream SMP AU FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang