stuck with me

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tae was with june at the cafe once again. both were invited to yoongi's later, along with the 4 other boys for a small hang out.

"we had sex on halloween!"

"what the fuck?"

"he's fucking hot i'm sorry- actually no, i'm not sorry at all."

"oh my god-"

tae stared at his best friend in disbelief, he couldn't believe she slept with jin, it wasn't like her to sleep with someone she wasn't dating because while she was fully transitioned, she was still insecure and often had dysmorphia over her body and was scared if someone saw it fully they would just see her as a boy.

"shhh, stop being so loud tae. it's fine, he was really sweet, we're um, we're dating now."

"holy fuck, congratulations junie! about time you moved on from you know who."

"i know right, i'm really happy with him."

tae went to reply when his phone began to go off redirecting his attention.

brat <3


when are you coming back :(

bear <3

probably soon

whats wrong bun ?

brat <3

i miss youuuu

bear <3

you just saw me

brat <3

okay and?

do you not miss me ?

bear <3

shut up

you know i do

brat <3

okay then hurry

tell june tan is stuck

bear <3

stuck in what?

brat <3


my arms ?

bear <3


brat <3


bear <3

okay okay

we'll come right now

brat <3

thank you angel :)

bear <3


brat <3

ha not my fault you're whipped


tae scoffed at his boyfriend and put his phone down. not his fault? how can he say its not his fault? who was the one with the prettiest eyes? who was the one who always kissed tae so sweetly and hugged from behind every chance he got? who was the one who followed tae around like a puppy always wanting praise? how the fuck was it not gguk's fault? clearly the boy was whipped for a reason and that reason was clearly that gguk was the best person in existence, duh.

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