''Oh hush"


Lily and James had out done themselves everyone even a few Slytherin's said so

After dancing around and the music "mysteriously" changing from a classical song to Queen

The marauders stood at the big doors of the great hall

"Well lads our we ready??" James asked rubbing his hands together

"Hold on"

The marauders watched in confusion as Remus took his shoes and socks off and stuffed them in the pockets of his blazer

"These are expensive shoes" he said

"Okay three two one"

Silence, darkness

Stomp Stomp clap.....Stomp Stomp clap

The lights came on as the lyrics of the song started to play and there

The hall stood still every single person and ghost stood covered in shiny pink gliter


"SAY EEEEEESHE!!!!" Sirius yelled holding up a camera as everyone turned around to face them

"POTTER, BLACK, LUPIN AND PETTIGREW!!!!" Minerva hollered from the front of the hall




Lily dragged herself back to the heads common room after the glitter scenario James had come back and after he danced with her he took off when Minerva came back

But while the marauders had their fun so did the girls

Dorcas disappeared, Marlene was kidnapped by Sirius and Lily was drunk and even though she didn't want to admit it she was very hot and bothered

Lily pushed the door open and James turned around to face her his blazer was long discarded, his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, his hair tousled

Lily crossed her legs over as she took him in

"Lily Evans!! Where have you been?!!! I have been worried sick!!" He said in a mock voice and put his hands on his hips

"Well my date was kind of a prick he ditched me"

James gasped putting his hand on his chest dramatically

"He did not!!"

Lily rolled her eyes and took of her heels

"Shame too I really like this guy.....he was really sweet.....hot and the sex oh!"

"Really why?? What does he do??" James asked moving closer to her

"Tell me darling" he taunted his fingers running over her collarbone

Lily who's confidence had grown thanks to the alcohol in her system took a step closer to him

"He leaves these kisses everywhere......his fingers....his tongue! Oh Merlin.....he makes my toes curl" Liky said dragging her finger down his chest

"Tell me love does he fuck you hard?? Does he make you scream?"

"In the best ways possible and he does he fucks me so hard I'm senseless by the end"

"Is there anything I can do to get your mind of this completely idiotic fellow?? I might not be him" James asked moving closer to her , his body flush against hers his bluge prominent

"Like what??" Lily mumbled wrapping her arms over his shoulders

"Anything you like" James rasped cupping her

"Your hot and bothered aren't ya Evans......and all for me??" He chuckled as he picked her up before heading to his room


Lily let out a loud screech while yelling James' name and pulled on his hair harder

"Fuck Evans.......I knew you wanted me but never did I think it would be for six rounds" James mumbled kissing her cilt  once more before lying down beside her

Lily looked at him still seeing stars she buried her face into his chest peppering kisses on it

James pulled her closer and the covers over them

"I love you" he whispered as he closed his eyes 

"Only you"



Thanks for reading 

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