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hajid was klimbing the stairs to the asstronmy tower. he had com all the way from his hut. he didn't sweat tho, cuz he was not like other girls‼️💅

he reached the end of thy stayres and opend the dor. there he saw bukbek in all his glory. she seemed to be shining1 even tho it was night. he wasn't like other girls, either.

buckbek turn around when he hearsd the door 2 the towah opening. super hearing had its perks.🤷🏽‍♂️

"hagrid..." he trailed off.😥

"buck, i'm sowy. i didn't know ye were under a love potion. harreh told me everythin'. " hagid gave his best pupiy dawg eyes.

"you are forgiven" bucdeak smiled."i should apologiz-"

"no. no, it was all my pholt."hagrid cut off buck's apology.

bokbak steped cluser and kupped hagrid's rough cheeks. then, they kissed💋
it felt lkie fireworks werwe exploding. it was their first kith✨

hagys puuled awawy and bent down to one knee.

bucbeac gazpet😲

hagrid took a box out of his pocket and openeed it. inside it was...


IT WAS A- oh- 

"wtf man- that looks ghastly, dude. why does it look like that?? "

"OMG KAREN, YE DON'T ASK PEOPLE WHY THEIR RING LOOKS LIKE THAT!!" hajid creamed at the stupid narrator🙄
"oh god fine"

it was a ring made from sqidward's tentacles, with aragog's pincers shaped in a dimaoned.

"the luv of moi life, buckbeak. will ye make me the happiest man alive by marrying meh?" hagid asked bucks, tears filling his eyes.

"OMG YES, YES A MILLION TIMES YES." y/n ahem i mean-  buckbeak scramed.😫

"ILY BUCKY!" hagrid jumped

"ILY2 DARLING!!" bauckek replyed

they married right thena n there. moaning mertle was the priest. they did their wows and were pronounced hubby and hubby.😍😩

they borrowed dora's map and found their way to the chamber of secrets for their honemyoon😳

the smexy grindelwald casted a silencing charm over the chambr and winked at the couple.😉

soon after he left, they started undressing themselves. buckbeak didn't have to tho, he was a nudist😌

boy, did they have fun that night.😏😏😏


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