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You wake up on the couch of kelce's house. He was your boy best friend. rafe texted you "hey ash want to come to a party tonight? you replied and said "ofc rafe" rafe thought ''YESSS"

It was time for the party

topper picked you up last and rafe opened the door and his mouth dropped

so he said "you look amazing Ashley" you blushed and happily replied "you do too rafe" he smiled

you arrived at the party and you saw john b handing out beers you walked over and he handed you one then JJ waked over and got one and said to you "hey cupcake want a free drink" you could tell he was mad drunk "JJ they are free" JJ looked embarrassed "Well you can still have it" you started to get so mad until you finally kinda screamed "NO JJ" rafe came over and grabbed your waist and pulled you back... rafe stood up to JJ "ill take it" JJ was frustrated "I was asking Ashley dude" rafe got mad so when rafe threw a punch John b stopped it and punched rafe they started fighting bad until rafe took him near the water and said, "YOU WANT ME TO DROWN YOU LIKE YOUR OLD MAN?" JJ was fed up so he pulled out his gun and pointed it to rafe and turned the safety off you were crying "JJ please leave him alone:" rafe let go of john b and flipped the pogues off

You were mad and did not talk the whole car ride... Rafe put his hand on your thigh and rubbed his hand up and down, to be honest, you liked it but we're not gonna tell him. You laid on his lap so he played with your hair then topper insisted he took her to rafes house so her parents would not be mad she came home so late. Rafe smiled and said "Okay topper go ahead" He carried you in the house and laid you on the couch. He gave you a forehead kiss and said "Goodnight Princess" him not knowing you were awake you still blushed.

You woke up and saw a lot of notifications from mom and dad asking where you were. You texted them back and told them you were at the Camerons. They said "good we thought something happened" You walked into the kitchen and rafe was struggling to make pancakes "do you need help rafe" he looked at you and said "uh.. yeah" you laughed and walked over he had burnt the pancakes and used all the batter "Rafeeee you used all the batter" rafe was kinda embarrassed "so um Ashley wanna come to a party?" you looked happy he asked you "Of course rafe" he was happy. It was time for the party and they picked up a lot of people in toppers kinda small car so you sat on Rafe's lap. When you got to the party you went to Sarah and talked for a little while until Topper took her. JJ came to you and apologized and you told him "it's okay JJ" Then you heard topper and he was on the roof! You saw Sarah up there too. You yelled "IT IS OKAY IF YOUR SUICIDAL" topper acted like he couldn't hear you and jumped in the pool... Everyone gasped when they came up from underwater and said "We are okay" everyone laughed. You went up to the rafe that was on the coke table. He was selling and doing drugs. He called out to you "Ashley come sit down" you sat beside him but he picked you up and sat you on his lap. You smiled it was all good until a guy came up and said "Damn Rafe I did not know you could pull a hot bitch" You could tell he was really mad then the guy made it worse by saying "Is she another hoe you sleep with" Rafe jumped up and came up to him "She is not a bitch or a hoe you better shut your fucking mouth" the boy kept it on so Rafe punched him and they got in a big fistfight.

 You took rafe home and you got the first aid kit and got the small scratch off his cheek. He kept looking at your lips and then back up you knew he wanted to kiss you so you made the first move. You kissed him and his lips just felt soft and you just had a feeling he was the one. You kissed for a solid 3 minutes or so and he just looked at you and said "I wanted to do that forever princess" you smiled. He picked you up and carried you to his bed, Layed you down, and kissed your forehead. He was going to sleep on the floor but you grabbed him and laid your head against his chest. It was the happiest he had been in forever. "Goodnight angel" you were already knocked out. He was still asleep when you woke up so you tried to get up quietly. You left him a note saying "last night was fun but I had to go somewhere sorry! Hope you slept well" he was really happy from yesterday. He texted you and said "Thanks for the note Ashley" you texted back "Your Welcome rafe" you missed him already so you texted him just that "I miss you rafe"

word count: 940

Authors note: This was a short story because I ran out of ideas but I hope you enjoy this Ill write the next part asap! Please comment ideas you have?

The secret lover x Rafe CameronWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu