Adam's Diner The Final Show Chapter 1

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Someone is driving to the Pizza Place/Museum. His walkie-talkie turns on. "Alright, testing,1,2,3, testing can you hear me, James?" The Voice called. James grabs the walkie talkie. "Yeah Tom, I can hear you, loud and clear." James said. Tom laughs. "Ok so according to the radar or GPS, I have no idea what the station calls this anymore, you should be nearby." Tom says. "Why do I need to be here at the ass crack of the night?" James asks. "Well, you are also gonna do some paranormal investigation here, apparently the animatronics here are possessed, and random kids were deemed missing, even though they were literally seen not too long ago.." Tom said. James becomes visibly confused. "But, aren't I working for a police station?" James asks. Tom laughs. "Well yeah, but we took up Paranormal investigation as well. Remember what happened at Bon's?" Tom asks. "Yeah, I remember." James says. He parks his car. "Alright, I'm here." James says. "Alright, I'll call you in a bit." Tom says. James steps out of the car. He looks up at the building. There is no logo yet. He tries the door, it's surprisingly unlocked. James pulled out his notebook and wrote into it. "Let's take a look inside." he wrote. He opened the door to the entrance. There was a statue of Toy Freddy in the entrance with a desk in the middle. The Desk had a small bell on it. James rang it. No one came. He turned and saw a poster of a version of Circus Baby. The Poster said, "LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" James Smerked. "What kind of fun?" James asked. There is dead silence. "Right, Bad joke." Just then, James walkie talkie turned on. "Hey, you in there?" Called Tom. James picked up the walkie. "Yeah, I'm here. In the Entrance Right Now." Tom laughed. "Alright, I got an overhead map of the place right here, your gonna want to go to the main dining area. There is plenty of animatronics in there, use that ghost detector on em when you get in there." Tom says. "Alright, I'll do it." James says. James walks into the Main Dining room and sees 19 animatronics. There were three stages with three animatronics on each. James radios in. "Alright, I'm in here, and holy shit. There are a ton of animatronics. What are their names, Tom?" "Well, since there is a lot of animatronics in the room, I'll start with the Nine at the front. Middle stage. There's Adam, Cody, and Macy. Got that?" Tom asked. James wrote the three names down in his notebook. "Yeah, I got it, uh do the ones on the right now." James says. "Revamped Adam, Anabelle, and Hailey." Tom said. James writes it down. "Ok, i got it." James said. "And the last ones are, Kaylnn, Bent, and Silvia." Tom said. James looked up at the animatronics. They seemed...Lifeless. "They seem off." James said. "That's because they are turned off." Tom said. "Use your ghost detector to see if there are any spirits." James rolls his eyes. "This isn't gonna work." James says. He does it anyway. He gets onto the stage. He turns on his Ghost detector. Nothing happens at first. But soon some music plays through it. "But tonight, you belong to me.." James turns it off. "Tom I'm getting tired, how about I come back tomorrow?" James asks. Tom sighs. "Alright, you can come back tomorrow." Tom says. James walks back to the entrance and tries to open the door. But it doesn't open. "Tom, I can't leave, the doors locked." James says. "You can't? Did you lock it when you came in?" Tom asks. "Nope, I didn't." James said. "I can't get out." "Well, go find the security office and stay there until 6 am. It's almost 12." Tom says. James Sighs. "So I need to do a night shift?" James says. "I'm afraid so." Tom says. James walks into the Security office and sits down. There is a large hallway in the middle and two doors at the sides. Behind him is a room with an iron door, with a window. He opens the drawer and sees a camera monitor and a golden mask. Just then, the clock chimes. It has hit 12am. It's almost time for the animatronics to wake up, and start their midnight spree. Tick, tock. They are up now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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