Chapter 8

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We then scheduled a flight to Japan, us packing the moment we had leave. "Y'all got what y'all need?"

"Oui, gentlemen?"

"Yea, les go." We all nodded in agreement, stepping out of the base and arriving in the airport.

××Inside The Airport××

Our plane was called and we went on our way in the plane, taking the seats that are left, me taking the seat near the window and looking outside. "Don't worry Scout, pretty sure doc's fine, Ah can say he's good wit' defendin' himself."

"Thanks, Engie."

"No problem, son." and he went back to his seat.


Meanwhile, Medic was tied up in a chair, being interrogated to know more about his species.

I glared at them, "Jou vouldn't give up, vould jou?"

"Think again, you scoundrel."

"Scoundrel? Me? Please."

"Just tell us what you are and about your immortality, then you'd be out there again."

"Vell zhen, too bad. ich bin sagen nichts(I am not saying anything)."

"What did you say?"

"None zhat jou vould understand." a dark figure suddenly appeared next to the man, assuming he's the leader. "Don't test him, he's trying to get the best of you."

"If his brain could process it, I'd agree."

"Hey! Don't try to be so cocky now."

"I'm not trying to be jou, I simply can't." I grinned at him, angering him more. "Why you–!?"

"That's enough." I stick my tongue at him, making him snarl and walk away, leaving me with the leader. "So, are you done insulting my employee?"

"Nein, are jou villing to let mich insult him more?"

"Ignoring that question, we want to know more about you and your species. And more about your inability to die."

"Boss, he's not–"

"Alright." The man smiled, "Really now?"

"Nein, not really."

"Okay, how about some drinks or food? You must be hungry."

"I vouldn't starve to death, I'm pretty sure jou know I can't die." he scoffed at me. "Vhat? am I getting in jour head?"

"You could wish."

"Hey, ve all can." He grabbed something shiny from the table, coming near me again. He held the syringe infront of me, explaining what it was. "Look, if you won't tell us then..this will do the trick."

"Is zhat some anti-lying liquid?"

"No, it shows what kind of specie you really are."

"Vhat if I'm actually a bird?"


"Language." I said, making him quietly chuckle. He grabbed face, turning it to the side and inserting the needle in my neck. "Show time."

"Zhat's supposed to be my line."

"Sorry not sorry." I started to feel light-headed. I could feel something growing out of my head, my back and my tail bone.

××2 Minutes Later××

"Andddd, there it is."


"That's probably a female demon, sir."

"Shush. It looks familiar but we need a second opinion."

"What do you need, sir?"

"The surgery equipments, I'm guessing we'd be able to know once we look inside him..erm, her."

"Entschuldigen sie(excuse me), but vhat are jou both talking about?"

"None that you would understand, just look at yourself." I looked down at myself, like I was told to. I was shook to see my original form and was to shock to see him insert another needle in my neck. "Gott in Himmel.."

"Don't worry, that's just sedatives, no need to be so freaked out."


"I'll be seeing you in a minute, be right back." and he left, leaving me alone to pass out.

They went back in to where Lilith was sleeping, tying her up in a surgeon's table. Once successfully restraining her, they finally prepared to open her chest when they heard a loud commotion from their front door, hurriedly going to where the noise was. The leader tries to proceed on the surgery alone, "Can you go check on what that was?"




"Dammit." he was about to turn around when he felt a gun behind his head. "Don' move a muscle, ya dumbass."

"Why don't you lower that gun and fight me like a ma–"

"Sorry, men don' waste time to shoot der target."

I went near Medic, surprised to see Lilith instead. I tried to wake her up but not really working. I covered her with the blanket I brought with me. "Why are you coverin' him, pardner?"

"Uh..t-thought he's cold."

"Heavy wants to see if doktor is safe."

"Not now, big guy."

"Why is tiny Scout stopping Heavy?"

"Ya don' have to bother him."

"Just a tiny peak."

"No no, wait–!" and he lifted the cover, revealing Lilith from underneath. "Scout?"

"Y-yea, Heavy?"

"Where..where is doktor?"

"Well, ya do I explain dis?"

"Scout, son, just spit it."

"Dat..dat is Medic, he's actually a woman in his original form. And..I'm in a relationship with her."


"Alright then, come on y'all. Let's git the doc out of here." Everyone then grabbed their weapons and let Pyro burn the place down, them giggling while doing so. "Uh, hey hardhat.."

"What's the matter, pardner?"

"About Medic."

"Doc's doing fine as a belle...or is that not what you're here for?"

"I wanna know your opinion about earlier.."

"Doesn't really bother me, if Ah'm bein' honest, which is Ah am." I didn't have time to think of what to do and instead hugged him, taking him by surprise but returned it. "Thanks, Engie."

"Shucks, no big deal, son." I nodded to him and went to go sit next to Medic, us finally returning back to the base with Medic.

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