Chapter 7

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I told Scout to meet me in the Medbay, to which he did. "So doc, what's up?"

"Vell, Herr Scout, I am..I'm pregnant."

"Oh cool..wait, what?"

"Mhmm, I'm not lying." He looked at me as if I'd grown two heads. He then stood up, went up to me, and hugged me. "OhmyGod..I'm, I dunno what to say.."

"Jou're not mad?"

"Why would I? I'm finally havin' a child! Also, it's amazin' how ya can have a child." I smiled at him, almost making me tear up. We decided to have another dinner date to celebrate.


We were supposed to enter the restaurant when we were both dragged to an alley, "Yo, what da fuck!?"

"Shut it."

"Seriously though, what's up wit'chu?"

"I said, shut it."

"Am I allowed to talk vith jou?"


"Okay zhen."

I stood up, trying to retrieve Medic from getting tied up. "Yo, dat's not cool man, me 'n dis fella are going to eat."

"Too bad." I tried to pry him off of Medic, but he won't budge. The other one sneakily went up behind me and tranquilized me, making me turn my head and fall over. "Tch, not even worth fighting." I tried to grab his leg when he stomped on my hand. "Come on, let's get outta here." And that's the last thing I saw when I fainted.

××The Next Day××

I woke up, my head banging. I sat up and took in where I was. I realised I had woken in my room, confused at how I got here. "Last time I remembered, I was–"

"In an alleyway? I know, I saw 'ou zhere and decided to return 'ou 'ere."

"Jesus, do you ever knock?"

"I've been 'ere for 5 minutes."

"uh huh, definately not concerning.."

"What? I don't even get a 'zhanks'?"

"Fine, thanks."

" 'Our welcome." Silence filled the air, making stand up and groan. I was about to leave when, "Why were 'ou zhere?"

"I was gettin' dinner with Medic."

"In an alleyway?"

" 'Course not! I have manners too, ya know." he hummed. "So, why is zhe Medic not zhere with 'ou?"

"I remembered both of us gettin' dragged dere, and dem tying him up and leavin' me."

"Where did zhey took 'im?"

"I dunno! But maybe going back dere, dey must've left sumthin'.."


"Ya don' wanna come? Fine by me–"

"Zhen, let's go."

"Wait, you're actually coming?"

"I want to repay zhe doctor and because I 'ave nozhing to do." I looked at him with wide eyes as he left my room. I followed him moments later, the rest of the team looking at me as I entered. "What?"

"So, doktor is kidnapped, yes?"

"Yep,'d ya know?"

"Bloody spook, disturbing me 'n moi breakfast."

"I knew it."

"Anyways, Scout! Ya got a clue where they took doc?"

"Nope, but I was hopin' on going back to da alley to find one."

"Then we're all goin' there, son." Everyone agreed and looked at Spy, hoping for an answer. "Ye don't have to come, lad! Ye can stay–"

"Okay zhen, oui. Let's go."

"Whoa! Frenchie, is that you!?"

"Shut up, Soldier. I want to repay zhe doctor."

"Then come on y'all! We got a group ta find." and everyone cheered, grabbing their weapons and heading outside.

××In The Alleyway××

We had searched everywhere and was about to give up when I found a ripped out piece of paper. "Hey Scout! Come over here."

"Yo, what's up?"

"Take a look at this." and I gave him the paper. "Really!? Dat far from here?"

"Ah don't know what ta say, son but, Ah guess so."

"What's zhe matter?"

"Spah, they're takin' Medic to Japan.."

"Zhat far?"

"Dat's what I said!"

"Well zhen, we're not–"

"I'm gonna go dere if dat's da last thin' I do."

"–we're going zhere."

"Isn't that a bit exaggerated? Ah'm not tryin' ta be rude but.."

"Well, if 'ou want to hide behind 'our toys, zhen be left 'ere."

"Ah never– fine, if that would make you stop sayin' that."

"Zhank 'ou, pardner."

"Shut it, snake."

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