Lost dog

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On a late July night, the rain repeatedly pattered against the window. The lights inside the house still shone brightly even in the dark storm. Susie sat in bed with her dog, Boots. Boots was an early birthday present. He had been hyper due to staying inside all day missing his daily walk, he had been running circles around Susie.

Getting a bit exhausted of his hyperactivity, Susie let him out into the hallway. She followed behind him so she could feed him a few treats. She stepped in the living room to see her older sister, Cindy looking through the pages of a baking book to look for new recipes. She went to the kitchen to retrieve treats for Boots. Susie plucked through the treat jar to find his favorite flavors. She turned around and threw a treat up in the air hoping that Boots would catch it in time. He jumped up but it bounced off of his nose landing on the floor making him rush to retrieve it. She took the two other treats and went to sit down in the living room to train him to high-five. After at least 10 attempts for Boots to high-five he was given the treats.

Susie leaned against the couch to hear the front door unlocking. She jumped up in excitement realized that her parents are back home from shopping. She skipped up to the front door with boots following behind her. Her father opened the door with grocery bags in his arms. Her mother followed behind her father with more shopping bags in her arms. Cindy walked up to her parents to help them with carrying the groceries into the kitchen. Boots yipped excitedly and pounced out the door. Susie followed behind him to bring him back inside as he sprinted out to the street. She went onto a full sprint for at least 5 minutes in the pouring rain. Boots finally slowed, making Susie sigh in relief. She speed walked up to Boots to bring him home. She sat down to give him a hug. He suddenly pounced onto the middle of the street throwing her off balance. She got up to her knees to see two car headlights heading down the street, slowly coming closer. She yelled for Boots to come back to her on the sidewalk. He did not listen to her command and ran circles around the road center as he was excited to be outside in the rain. The car continued to drive down the middle of the street just meters away from Boots. The car didn't stop even though Boots would be visible in the driver's view. The car was just inches away from the dog as Susie gasped in fear. The car collided with Boots' shadow. A gut-wrenching Yelp came from Boots as she heard the horrific crushing of his bones followed by the sound of his organs getting squished by the wheels of the car. His blood splattered onto her face making her gag in fear and disgust. The car passed down the street. She looked on the street and screamed in horror as she looked at the mangled remains of her dog. Its bones were crushed into the concrete and its face was torn to pieces. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed loudly. She sat on the sidewalk with tears running down her face, her nose dripping, her knees scraping against the concrete of the sidewalk and her hair getting soaked by the heavy rain.

The heavy rain began to soak her nightgown and wash the blood splatters off of her face. She felt freezing cold in the rain and she felt sick to the stomach. She looked towards the street again making her gag in disgust. The blood was still splattered all over the street. She felt more lightheaded the longer she looked at the sight of Boots' mangled body. Susie sat on the sidewalk attempting to avert her gaze from the street. Her stomach twisted as she got up to her knees. She sat for a second before getting up to her feet.

She felt faint as she got up to her feet. She began to walk back home in a half-conscious state. She saw her mother running towards her. Her mother picked her up and carried Susie in her arms. She went through the front door into the living room. Cindy and her father looked worriedly at Susie as she sobbed into her mother's chest. She was brought to her bedroom and was wrapped up in a warm blanket. Her mother shut the door and laid her on the bed. She had fallen asleep in her mother's arms and was snoring already.

She awoke in the morning to the scent of eggs and bacon. Her father sat beside her bed with a plate filled with an egg, five pieces of bacon and two pieces of buttered toast. Susie sat up in bed realizing just how hungry she was. Her father passed her the plate of food with a glass of orange juice. Her father asked her if she wanted a pie for dessert. She nodded as she filled with cheeks with food. After finishing her breakfast her father asked about last night. Susie hugged her plushie to refrain herself from crying as she described last night's events. Her father explained that there was no blood to be found in the morning and if there was, it was washed away by the storm. She sobbed into her plushie as she pictured last night's events. Her father gave her a tight hug and a small kiss on the cheek. He left the room to make a phone call. Susie fell asleep soon after.

She awoke to the sound of knocking on her door. She told whoever it was to enter. It was her mother, her father and a police officer. The police officer walked towards her. She sat up as the police officer introduced theirself as Officer Clarence. The police officer explained that they weren't able to find any evidence to back up what she had seen, so there was absolutely no suspects and the only one that saw the crime was Susie herself.

8:36 am, in the Afton household.
Elizabeth awoke to the sound of her mother and father fighting. The rain tapping on the roof and windows attempted to silence the sounds of her mother and father fighting. She hugged her knees.
"How do we tell her that it's missing?!?!" she heard William yell. She sat up in bed and quietly crept off her bed.
"We?! There was never an 'us' considering we don't even fucking know how to tell Elizabeth about a missing dog!" Clara yelled back. Elizabeth whimpered as her parents yelled louder.

She thought about the previous night, when her father came home from work just two hours before her mother came back from visiting her grandparents. It was about 9:00 pm and it was storming badly. Her father parked into the driveway and she was in the dining room eating a late night snack with her older brother. Her father opened the door and stomped inside the house. Elizabeth and Shard greeted their father. He ignored them and grabbed a garbage bag and some sponges. The two siblings sat in silence wondering what he would need sponges and a garbage bag for. They rushed to look out the window once their father had exited the house. There was a strange material splattered all over the front of his car. His headlights shone showing that it looked like a very large cat or a dog was hit and ran over by the car. There was no damage to his car, there was only the partial remains of the animal. William began to clean the blood off of his car. His children went back to the table to put their dishes away.
"Didn't Susie get a dog recently? His name is Boots right?" Shard asked. Elizabeth nodded in response.
"Do you think that was Boots?" Elizabeth asked.
"Probably not, I mean why would she let him out in a storm?" Shard answered. Elizabeth looked towards the ground and sighed. Their father re-entered the house throwing a piece of fabric with a metal tag on it into the garbage.
"I'm going to the dump, you two should go to bed soon." Their father said before closing the door.

Elizabeth went to the garbage to dump her food out as she lost her appetite. She looked at the shiny metal tag attached to fabric. She assumed that it was a dog collar. She asked her older brother about it. Shard went to the garbage and picked up the collar.
He read the name tag out loud, "Boots". His sister looked at him with wide eyes and soon began to tear up.
"There's a possibility that he could have just lost his collar." Shard tried to reassure Elizabeth.
"Then explain the blood." Elizabeth responded. He looked down as he didn't know how to respond.
"Let's get to bed, even if it was Boots it was probably an accident." Shard said.
Elizabeth looked up to her brother and said "It probably wasn't an accident but there's nothing we can do about it." Shard put the collar back in garbage and washed his hands. He led his sister to the bathroom to brush their teeth.
"Dad threatened us the last time we talked about reporting him to the police." Shard said.
"He could just be bluffing about hurting us, right...?" Elizabeth responded. Shard looked at her with a worried look.
"I don't think he's bluffing." Elizabeth went silent as she finished brushing her teeth. She walked to her room after giving her older brother a goodnight hug. The lights in the house were shut off as the both of the children went to bed.

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