Part 1

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Four days after Hua Cheng returned from going missing for a whole year, both of them were still spending some time together at the little dilapidated cottage Xie Lian built himself at Mount Taicang. It was like being back at Puqi Shrine; only now Xie Lian didn't have to steal glances at that handsome and mysterious youth, and Hua Cheng didn't have to act all nonchalant around Xie Lian. They were both happy beyond belief, looking at each other, holding hands, chatting and laughing to their heart's content.

So, that evening just after dinner, Xie Lian said, casually – or so he hoped, "San Lang, it's full moon tonight. Let's go up the mountain to see the moonrise?"

Hua Cheng naturally agreed, "Alright", as he wouldn't do just anything Xie Lian wished!

Xie Lian was pleased – it was an innocent enough suggestion, so he managed not to blush or cough. Given his panicky reaction every time he got too close to Hua Cheng in the past, he was amazed how he felt at ease now. So after putting the dishes away and doing a little tidying up, they both left the cottage and, hand in hand, went following the mountain path through the maple forest, going towards the top.

After some time they saw a huge building looming over them: The Royal Holy Pavilion, the very first temple of His Highness The Crown Prince of XianLe, built more than 800 years ago. It was a luxurious and magnificent temple, housing Xie Lian's very first divine statue, exquisite, and made of gold. Now the temple was just a torn down shadow of its former glory, but its size was still impressive.

"Does this temple bring you bad memories?", Xie Lian asked.

"What bad memories? From when I almost burned everything to the ground?", Hua Cheng replied, chuckling, probably thinking of Guoshi.

"It wasn't you... and you were pretty distressed at the time."

"Gege hugged and comforted me, so what bad memories could I hold?", he replied, smiling brightly.

Xie Lian looked serious. "Bad memories from the time you stayed here, getting into fights to stop people from burning or desecrating this temple."

This time Hua Cheng was surprised, "So His Highness remembers?"

Xie Lian replied softly, "I spent some time sorting out my thoughts. Thinking of you, and remembering everything about you."

Hua Cheng pulled Xie Lian closer, and said, "That time I felt His Highness' presence, and saw a glimpse of him. So what bad memory?"

Xie Lian replied quietly, "I told you to forget me. It must have hurt."

Hua Cheng smiled, kissed Xie Lian's hand, and said, "Your Highness, don't you know me? For me you were just as well saying NEVER FORGET ME, and I didn't."

Xie Lian laughed lightly, his memories of those sad times quickly dissipating. Hua Cheng laughed too.

"Let's go inside then", Xie Lian said, leading Hua Cheng by the hand to the temple's main entrance.

Xie Lian had been there many times, while he was waiting for Hua Cheng's return. He decluttered and fixed the place a little, tended to the plants and flowers growing inside; did some thinking about the past and about the future. The Royal Holy Pavilion was indeed a special place, with good and bad memories for both of them, therefore the perfect place for what Xie Lian had in mind.

Moonlight was coming in through cracks on the walls and ceiling here and there, so it wasn't completely dark. The temple was huge, and with plants and flowers growing inside, and ivy on the walls, it looked like a little forest, their very own secret garden, wild and untamed.

Hua Cheng was about to release some silvery butterflies, but Xie Lian held his wrist, saying, "Don't use any of your spiritual energy, San Lang". He then lifted his right palm up, waving his fingers like a blossoming lotus flower, and all the plants and flowers inside the temple were lit with shimmering tiny lights, making the place looking even more magical and alluring.

Hua Cheng praised, "Gege, that's a neat trick!"

Xie Lian smiled, his beautiful face and eyes glowing even more on those twinkling lights.

He grabbed Hua Cheng's hand, interlocking their fingers, and still smiling, said, "Let's do a romantic stroll together, like we did at Mount Yu Jun?"

Hua Cheng laughed, and said, "Alright. I much prefer Gege's forest of lights than that forest of blood anyway. And most of all I prefer a romantic stroll seeing Gege's face."

They strolled through the temple, hand in hand, chatting lightly, laughing, stopping at times to embrace each other or kiss, truly the very image of everlasting love. The great hall became a maze of plants and flowers, with the huge altar at the back. On the top of the altar, there was a white gauze hanging from the ceiling, who knows since when, surrounding nothing: the temple's divine statue was long gone. The shimmering lights made the gauze look like a column of pure spiritual energy.

"San Lang, let me show you something", Xie Lian said, leading Hua Cheng to the back of the temple. They found some stone stairs, which they slowly climbed, still holding hands, to a tall platform that went along the back walls, all the way to the altar. They walked, and after half an incense stick, they were at the altar. Xie Lian stopped, and turned to look at Hua Cheng's face.

He coughed lightly, and, looking solemn, said, "San Lang. These past few days you've been very respectful, keeping a distance and not touching me in any unseemly way. I know you're just giving me time, but I also know where we have to go." Hua Cheng listened attentively. Xie Lian waved his hand, and behind him, the white gauze was blown by a gentle breeze, revealing that it was in fact surrounding a bed.

"Well, I'm ready."

Hua Cheng understood at once, and was speechless. Xie Lian wanted this altar to be their marriage chamber! Not that he thought they wouldn't get there eventually; only he never thought it'd be this soon, and by Xie Lian's own initiative and cunning.

"Your Highness. We don't have to..." then he hurriedly added, "We can go there. If you want. But it doesn't need to be now, I can wait till you're ready." Xie Lian came closer, and put both his hands on Hua Cheng's chest, and said, "I'm ready." He couldn't help but blush a little, and feel his face burning.

Hua Cheng held Xie Lian's hands, looking down to his face with a gentle expression. He briefly thought of asking, are you sure, but he didn't. He looked at Xie Lian being so brave and resolved, and he held him even more in awe, loving him even more if possible. He got closer, placing Xie Lian's hands around his neck, and placing his arms around Xie Lian's waist, holding him tightly, and buried his face between Xie Lian's ear and shoulder, under his fresh smelling hair.

He whispered, "Your Highness..." with a sigh.

Xie Lian whispered back by his ear, "I know you want it", he paused, then he said, "I want it too."

Night Stroll at The Royal Holy Pavilion; Crown Prince Offers a FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now