First Kiss

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I was sat with kie at john bs place there was a party going on. I was sat on the hamuk

"hey, y/n your pretty quite you okay?" kie asked sitting up

You were looking over and jj smoking he was sat hiding from the girls talking to pope

"hmm?, oh yeah im fine" i replied Turing away from him

"why are you looking at j?" she chucked

"w-what im not... Your crazy" i blurted out with a nervous laugh

"ohh so thats you you like?" she spoke nudging me

"y-yeah whatever" i blushed

I rolled over on kie and put my. head on her lap

"ask him out then"

"ask who out?" a voice said walking over

"oh hey jj.." i said jumping up

"hey guys what you talking about?" he asked sitting on the ground

"oh yo-" kie said but i slapped my hand over her mouth

"oh nothing" i said giving a awkward smile

"oh ok?" he said really confused

I got up and was going to walk of to get a drink as jj grabbed your hand

"were are you going" he asked looking into my eyes

"oh to get a drink" i smiled

He stood up and grabbed my hand to walk me over to the drinks as i walked behind i looked over at kie she winked as john b pope and Sarah sat down besides her

"so y/n, what drink do you want?" he asked looking at them

"a beer duh" i smirked

"thats my girl" he grinned

We climbed to the top of the roof and sat besides each other

"Want one?" he said handing me something to smoke i had smoked loads but not one from jj

"sure" i put it in my mouth and began coughing

"hey silly, be careful oh my gosh" he laughed

I stoped and looked up at his big beautiful eyes. He placed his hand on my face and smiled

"you look gorgeous" he breathed out

I looked in his eyes and to his lips wanting to kiss him.

"do it" he said looking dead at me

"w-what?" i mumbled out

"i Know you want to i want you to" he spoke clearly

"w-" but before you could finish he slammed his lips onto yours he pulled me onto his lap moving your hips insink with your kiss letting out moans in each breath

He pulled anyway and spoke "i like you y/n, loads"

"i like you to j"

"i Know you do" he said pulling you back into the kiss

(hope yall like this ill be posting daily and more later on. Have a good day love you All)

jj maybank imagines (smut/fluff) Where stories live. Discover now