My King : seven

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'Hyung! Youngjo hyung!' Hwanwoong call Youngjo for a few more times but Youngjo never look at him back. 'What's wrong?' Hwanwoong thought. And finally he decided to go to Youngjo himself.

Hwanwoong tug on Youngjo shirt. 'What?!' Youngjo raised his voice making Hwanwoong flinch. 'Hyung, what's wrong? Why did you look annoyed?' 'Can you please shut up and let just go to our class?' After that, Youngjo left Hwanwoong alone and clueless.

Time Skip

It's now rest time. And usually, Youngjo will wait for Hwanwoong infront of his class. But today... There's no sign of him. This make Hwanwoong feel sad. He feel like crying with everything that just drastically changed.

Hwanwoong decide to go to cafeteria alone. There he saw Leedo, Youngjo friend. Once their eyes met, Leedo get up from his seat and walk straight to Hwanwoong. 'Hwanwoong, right?' 'Yes. Why?' 'Nothing. Just... Youngjo told me to give you this. And he asked me to told you that he want to meet you after school. Got it?' Hwanwoong can't say anything. He just nod. 'Good. See you later'

What should he feel? Youngjo just give him their first ring. He even asked his friend to give it. Why? Hwanwoong want to cry, but not here. Not in the middle of the cafeteria. He run to the nearest toilet and cry. His luck that no one using the toilet at that time.

He call Youngjo but nothing happens. Hwanwoong feel himself being light-headed. He don't know why, but the last thing he saw is a student open the door. Then everything went black.

p/s: don't worry, the bathroom floor is clean

Hwanwoong slowly open his eyes. He look around just to find Keonhee reading a book beside him. There's no sign of Youngjo. That make him feel sadder. 'Oh! You're awake. Thanks goodness.' Keonhee say while putting his book at the table beside the bed.

'Are you okay?' Keonhee ask. Am I okay? Hwanwoong ask to himself. 'I don't know' 'What do you mean?' Hwanwoong let a loud sigh. 'Youngjo... He. I don't know. He just give me our first ring back. Not himself, but through his friend. And, I don't know Keonhee' Keonhee rubbing Hwanwoong's back when he feel like Hwanwoong will cry.

'There, there. Don't cry. Nothing bad gonna happen. Believe me.' 'Thank you' Hwanwoong wipe his tear. 'So, are you going to stay here until scool over, or what?' 'What time is it now?' '2:17' That mean they still have 28 minutes left.

'Let just stay here until 2:30 and go back to class to take our belongings' Hwanwoong say. 'Okay. No problem' There's a silence for second. 'By the way, did you have anything to do this evening?' Hwanwoong ask. 'Yes. Why?' 'Nothing. I thought you can come with me to meet Youngjo'

'Don't be like this. This is not Yeo Hwanwoong that I know. Cheer up bestie. You can do it' Keonhee say in a cheerful voice. 'Thank you Keonhee' 'My pleasure. Come on. Let's go'

My King ll RavnWoong [Under Revision]Where stories live. Discover now