Um, That Was Weird

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DISCLAMER: I don't own Harry Potter the future kids are mine though
WARNING: lgbt mxm fxf probably swearing
____________________________________ Your my what!
It was after the war and some students had come back to Hogwarts to finish their education, those students were dubbed the eighth years.
And so those eighth years are sitting in potions class when suddenly a flash of light appeared at the front of the classroom. It was a black haired girl, the black faded into blond then back to black she had shimmering silver eyes and wore a Gryffindor Hogwarts uniform

She looked around obviously confused and then she noticed the students she then yelled "Oh shit!" And bolted from the classroom and not even five seconds later someone else appeared in her spot. A boy this time he was blonde fading into black with emerald green eyes and a Slytherin uniform he too was confused and once he realized where he was he bolted

He was replaced by a girl with dark brown hair fading into orange then back to brown she had light blue eyes she had dark skin and a Slytherin uniform and she to bolted this repeated with a girl with black hair with a blonde streak one silver eye and one emerald eye and glasses wearing a Hufflepuff uniform, a boy with blonde hair fading into orange and a Hufflepuff uniform,a boy with light brown hair fading into black and back into brown, brown eyes and a Gryffindor uniform.

And lastly a girl with light brown hair and soft brown eyes and a Ravenclaw uniform she is the only one who stayed she said "Hello my name is Rose, those where my friends and my brother and if you don't mind I'm going to go find them." And then she left, class was let out early that day
--------------- End of chapter--------------
I am technically working on another book right now but I had more motivation to make this so I hope you enjoyed there will be more to this have a nice day, night, afternoon wherever you are - Unicorn

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