My sister finally gets in the car and puts her seatbelt on. I put my car into drive and pull out of the parking lot. Singing along to the song "this stick up easy, this shit pitty pat. Know how I bleed, this where my city at" we both rapped. The volume of the song start to go low signaling someone is calling my phone.

Grabbing my phone I see that it's Ronalds Youth Camp calling. Sliding the icon to answer I say "Hello, Indie speaking" the person on the other end of the phone responds "Good morning my name is Kaila I'm just calling to make sure that your sister Indira Monet is on the way to the youth center" "yes we're about 10 minutes away. When I arrive at the youth center can I walk with her to the gym if possible?" I ask. "Sure, I'll see you when you guys arrive." Kaila responds and then hangs up.

At Ronnie's youth camp

Pulling up to the youth center I park my car and turn to Indira. "I'm working a few extra hours at the diner tonight. 15 minutes before the workers release you guys from the youth center order a Uber to go home. I'll send you the money for it. Call me as soon as you see the car approaching and share your location with me as well. If you get hungry before I get back home make a sandwich or make a cup of noodles. I'll either bring food from the diner or order food to the house. Now let's get going so I can walk you in and meet some of the workers and mentors." I tell her.

Getting out of the car and walking up to the building (invison it like an elementary school with mad classes, 2 gyms, a cafeteria etc). Standing outside of the building I press a button signaling to whoever is inside that we're outside waiting to get let in.

Upon entering the building Indira and I are greeted by a tall brownskin man with locs in a 2 strand twist style wearing a black shirt with his name that read Jhacari in white bold letters, gray nike shorts and a pair of Air Jordan retro 4 black cats. Standing next to him was a lightskin ginger women who looked to be around 5'2 with a pretty curvy body. She wore her hair in two French braids to the back, a black and green shirt with her name on in that read Kaila, black biker shorts that stopped about a inch or two above her knee caps and a pair go Pine Green Jordan 3's.

"Hi my name is Kaila and this is Jhacari. Based on the application you submitted we seen that Indira picked that she liked cooking, art and music. I handle the cooking classes, Jhacari handles the art classes with another person named Jahziah, they are also in charge of the music classes" Kaila informs me.

My ears perked up at the mention of Jahziah's name, it sounded familiar but I couldn't connect the dots.

"Ok, I won't be able to pick Indira up today since I'm working late. So she'll be taking a Uber from here to home. I seen that you guys dismiss around 4pm so she'll be ordering a Uber at 3:45. I also packed her some lunch and snacks. As stated on the application and doctors check up Indira is allergic to oranges so she has a Epi Pen in her bag also. If she has to use it please don't hesitate to call me. I'd hate to have to get out of my body because protocol wasn't followed the correct way" I tell them with a straight face.

"Ok, you don't have to worry about anything. Indira is in good hands while under our care. We keep in contact with all of the kids parents and guardians even if it's something as small as a kid falling" Kaila assures me.

"Alright Indira I'm leaving now. Please be good and try to make friends I'm only one call away if you feel overwhelmed at any point don't hesitate to text or call me and I'll come right away" I assured Indira. She hugs me and tells me that she'll be fine here and walks over to Kaila so they could walk down to the cooking classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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