Chapter 2

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AN: Updated on 5-27-15

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Chapter 2

Resta left the well-kept manors and made for the slums of the city.  Deep into the underworld of the city she ventured.  These streets, where conjurers displayed their tricks for a simple few coin — something completely illegal, and punishable by death.  Magic was rare in humans, and treated like a disease: contagious and disgusting.  And Resta agreed wholeheartedly.

Her face was concealed once more and she kept her gaze low.  There were people in the street, even at this late hour.  Mostly drunks or harlots.  None that deserved her acknowledgement.  And she wasn't looking for a fight tonight.  

Eventually Resta made her way towards a tavern.

It was a more than prosperous investment for the Master.  Not only did he get the revenue from the clientele, but it was also a favorite locale for those looking to have someone erased.  And she knew a man who'd be inside, getting inebriated right about now.

She shoved back the door and was greeted with a room full of screaming drunks.  The pub was barely brighter than the clouded night.  In one corner of the room a large burly man had just crashed a chair over another's head.  Another corner held a group singing tunes of merriment and beautiful maidens.  Some men turned towards her and raised their mugs in greeting, "Lady!"

She could tell from the slur in their words that they'd been drinking a little too much.  However, she didn't comment on it, just pulled off her hood and grinned wickedly at one of them.  "Having fun tonight, Lynus?"

Lynus, who was in his early twenties and another assassin grinned back, "No more than usual."  There was not a reason Resta could create to explain Lynus' choice in taverns.

She sauntered over and grabbed a mug from next to him.  The ale was sweet against her lips, despite its cheapness.  "Have you seen him?" Another sip.

"Yeah, about a half-clock ago.  He left though."

With a growl, she chugged the ale — she'd need for the trek.  She had no wish to make another trek.  What she'd seen of these streets was more than enough for one night.  Without so much as a "Thank you," she stalked towards the door that led to the back of the bar.

"Hey, why not stay and have some fun?"  he shouted across the room.

If only.  "Better not, I've some news to deliver."  Without another word she slipped through the crooked door.

The streets were even more pitiful the second time.  A stinking man who was quite evidently sloshed was lying in a puddle just outside the door.  Resta had to leap over him just to reach the streets.

Her destination led her through a different series of turns than her first journey.  When Resta came to a fork in the road, she took right.  The left held nothing Resta cared to remember.  Cracked windows and sad roofs watched Resta as she strode down the ever narrowing alley.

Quite suddenly, the alley widened into a well maintained road.  A left turn led her into a wide courtyard.  Emerald and ice shimmered, even in the night.  A fresh covering of snow was a blanket upon the ground.

Centerstage, was a large fountain.  At the moment it was still, but in the day!  It was a sight to behold.  A proud manor house sat on the far side of the grounds, its smooth windows still bright.  Roads appeared from either side of the impressive fountain and at their roots were the front doors of the manor.

Bloodletter: The Lady Killer **ON HIATUS**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن