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"Happy birthday (Y/N)-chan!!" My parents screamed at the top of their lungs when they barged into my room. I sat on my bed facing them with an annoyed face. Both of my parents threw confetti in the air and other festive... things? Not sure what confetti is considered. Decorations? While I ponder, my parents went downstairs to cook my favorite breakfast meal.

Unfortunately there is a couple days the first day back at school, meaning there will be Okinawa trip happening soon. I don't think I've been to Okinawa so this will be eventful.

"Oh! (Y/N)-chan, come come! Sit down, here's your breakfast!" My mother set a plate of (favorite breakfast meal) in front of me. My father was beside me as he praised my mother for her cooking.

"-Don't you agree (Y/N)?!" My father turned towards me, oh I guess I just wasn't paying attention. I'll just say yes so that they can do whatever they please and I'll somehow avoid the situation.

"Sure.. I don't mind."

"Great! Because your friends from America are coming right now!" My father exclaimed. I almost choked on my food a bit. Why do I keep getting caught in surprise while I eat? I'm going to end up actually dying some day.

Suddenly the door bell rang and my heart started to beat in my ears and my hands got sweaty. I don't think I ever got the chance to tell my American friends goodbye when I left, I wonder how they will react when they see me.

"(Y/NNNNNN)!!!" My friends came inside running towards me when my mother opened the door. I was knocked off my chair and pulled into hugs. I somewhat expected this.

"Oh my god! We've missed you so much!"   "What's Japan like? This is my first time hehe~"

"Do you have a boyfriend yet? You'll have one before Cristine." "Don't say that! I'm still looking for my one and only."

I'm being bombarded with questions about Japan just like how I was bombarded with questions about America that first day of school. I irked a bit too.

They didn't take off their damn shoes at the door.

I pointed at the shoe rack that was next to the door. My friends looked and was somewhat confused, after a while they got the hint and took them off.

"I guess I have more cleaning to do later.." I sighed.

(Your American friends [left to right]: Emily, Cristine, Andria)

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(Your American friends [left to right]: Emily, Cristine, Andria)


We all decided to walk around the shopping center nearby. I didn't mind it as much, I just didn't expect my American friends to be here so soon. I walked ahead of them trying to find some way to this cafe that Ku-chan showed me the other day. He loves the coffee jelly there and I really do enjoy the homemade cookies.

Oh how crunchy they are, and once bitten the gooey-ness of the chocolate chips on the inside just melt in your mouth. Especially if they are served straight from the oven. The slight steam emits once broken. Just the perfect taste and perfect texture. Perfect everything.

"Oh look! Let's eat here (Y/N)!" My friend Emily said. Speak of the devil, it's the cafe I was just drooling about. I hope nobody is here, I'd probably throw up if Kusuo is here. We opened the door and was greeted by Mera-san. I just hope she doesn't say anything.

"(Y/N)-chan! I'm happy you're here! Saiki is sitting over there if you like!" She gestured towards a booth where Saiki's head popped up while he ate his coffee jelly.

"Hey (Y/N), are we sitting there with your friend?"      "Is he from your school? He's pretty cute."

"Andria! Stop it!"

I can't believe this is happening. We sat in the same booth as Kusuo, however I think Andria was trying her best to sit next to him but I beat her to it.

"Kusuo, these are my friends from America. Emily-san, Cristina-san, and Andria-san. They don't speak much Japanese so please bear with me."

"Interesting, didn't think you were a social butterfly over there since you barely talk here."

"Don't push it." I glared at him and he smirked a bit. He looked over back to the girls and introduced himself in English the best he can. I ordered for us our food and drink, I also ordered another coffee jelly for Ku-chan for being so polite to my friends.

My friends were gushing over Kusuo, he didn't pay much attention to it and kept eating the rest of his dessert. I have a strong feeling that I'm going to be the tour guide today until my friends leave.

"Hey (Y/N), tell your friend if he wants to join us today! I really wanna explore Japan a bit more." Emily said. I looked over at Kusuo to see if he understood.

"Do you?" I turned to him as he ate his other cup of jelly.

"I don't have plans and I want to see how your friends are."

I ate my cookies in silence. Kind of wanted a quite birthday today since I celebrated with Kusuo yesterday. He gave a nod to my friends as s response that he understood and wants to come with. They all "Yay!"-ed at the same time and continued eating their treats. I sighed in annoyance.


We ended up walking towards the city, I think my friends were in awe about how Japanese cities are like. I walked behind them with Kusuo. I had a feeling he wanted to hold my hand but I guess he wanted to keep this a secret.

My friends ended up at an arcade, I didn't play much since arcade games weren't my thing. I did play a couple games with them and watched Cristina and Emily battle against each other. It was on who can secretly ask Kusuo on some sort of date. I wouldn't know how to respond to that since he barely knows English and they don't know Japanese at all. Oddly enough, Emily won. She went over to Kusuo and tried her best to ask him if they can hang out more. Kusuo, with his little knowledge of English, knew what was going on. He put his hand up and shook his head in disagreement. Emily's aura turned blue and hung her head low when she got rejected. Everyone else and I giggled a bit to ourselves at what just happened.


My friends slept in the living room since there wasn't enough space in my room. Kusuo was laying next to me as he played with my hair a bit.

"How do you like my American friends?" I looked up.

"They're interesting, is that how all American people are?"

"No not really."

"Tell me, how are you all friends?"

"Ever since I started American school I didn't have much friends, they were the ones who approached me during lunch. I found them annoying and tried my best to avoid them as much as possible but they still happened to find me and be with me. I guess you can say I grew onto them and didn't find them as annoying as I thought initially. There was also this other girl, Yokio who was the only other Asian in the school; we bonded well because she was also from Japan. But she had to move away and we lost contact with each other afterwards."


We laid there in silence, the tiny crickets chirping outside can be heard. Even though there was still noise coming from every which way, it still felt as though there was no disturbance and it was just Kusuo and I.. slowly falling asleep in each other's arms.


word count: 1304

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