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Sitting in the same seat as yesterday I stared out at the window daydreaming on what I can be doing at the moment if I wasn't currently at school. I need to go grocery shopping at some point. I turned around to the person who sat next to me. Next to them was a girl who shamelessly stared at him. I wanted to tell him but I'm sure he would've noticed by now and just ignored it.

I sighed about how odd this situation is.

I tried not to stare so much but I started to analyze the features of this person. Honestly very attractive.
Nice face, odd looking glasses, antenna clips, and pink hair.

Never mind, maybe not that attractive.

I mentally put my head down on my desk realizing how odd of a school my parents enrolled me in. Mentally because I didn't want to be on cleaning duty for the next week. I actually just put my head on the palm of my hand as I returned to looking out of the window dazed out.


Lunch came by and I was encountered by the obnoxious girl Okada-san again. I was thinking about almost 36 ways on how to avoid this girl. 28 ways on how to pretend that I am busy. And 14 ways on how to jump off this building and somehow not injure myself. I guess I was too slow and she appeared in front of me.

"(L/N)-san! I want you to meet my friends! Come come!" Okada-san said as she grabbed on my wrist and dragged me towards this group of people at a lunch table.

"Everyone this is my new friend (L/N) (Y/N)! (L/N)-san, this is everyone!"

I come to learn everyone's names.
Shun Kaido, Riki Nendo, Chiyo Yumehara, Kineshi Hairo, Kokomi Teruhashi, and Kusuo Saiki.
Which happens to be a little too much for my brain to handle.

"I heard that (L/N)-san might be prettier than Teruhashi-san!" Nendo exclaimed.

"Great, now I have to somehow come up with a way that I'm not 'as pretty' as Teruhashi-san"

"Prettier? Than that American transfer?! No way, all these boys do everything I ask of them to do! She just came here yesterday and there's people already saying that she's PRETTIER?! I don't believe this, I need to somehow take her down without anybody noticing. She just started here so she's not easily recognizable, but everyone knows she's from America! She does look Japanese though, so it should be fine." Teruhashi thought to herself as she still kept that sweet smile across her face.

"Gosh what a drag. I knew that I'd have to prove to her but I didn't think she was this self centered." I glanced around the table as I picked at the food I made for lunch today.

Not gonna lie I'm very proud of myself that I had some spare time before walking to school that I got as creative as this

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Not gonna lie I'm very proud of myself that I had some spare time before walking to school that I got as creative as this. Everyone was asking me how America was and why I decided to come back here to Japan.

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