Head spinning

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Of all things, this is precisely NOT what Hajime expected.

He sits on the edge of his bed, phone pressed to his ear, listening to the pitiful sounds of Oikawa's coughing fit. He called him around quarter after nine, which was ten minutes ago, with the intent of inviting the brunette over. He spent the earlier morning planning out exactly what he would say to Oikawa; an awkward conversation he knew they needed to have because, as much as Iwaizumi hates to admit it, Mattsun was right about everything. He has to set things straight with his new friend before things get any more intimate.

Well... they've sort of already crossed a few of those lines; friends don't usually kiss.. or hookup, do they? Hajime asks himself bitterly, laughing out loud before the brunette in question pulls him from his thoughts.

"Iwa-Chan! Don't laugh at my suffering!" he croaks out, sounding more whiny than usual thanks to a little congestion.

"Well, you're the idiot who walked home from work in the pouring rain, why didn't you bring an umbrella?" he asks, not even wanting to think about the prior day's events, despite being the one who brought it up.

"WEEEELLLLLLLL, if you didn't already know- which you do, since you asked about it yesterday- there was a villain in the store! So excuse me if I forgot to grab my umbrella in my escape!" he cries, all nasally too.

"God, you sound horrible. Have some cold medicine and take a couple days off to recover, okay?" he grumbles angrily. He knows it's unjust to feel this way, but Iwaizumi can't help the frustration that builds inside of him. He was ready with his big stupid speach about being 'just friends' and now Oikawa is as sick as a dog. If he were to have that conversation now, it'd just be salt in the wound of his already-horrible week.

"Aww, sounds like Iwa-Chan is eager to hangout again after last time!" he flirts, sending a wave of guilt straight over Hajime's conscience. "But you see, I don't exactly have any medicine with me, and I took the last of my ibuprofen yesterday for a, uh, headache! I'm all out of luck! The pharmacy is closed too so I can't even go there!" he wails, rustling something on the other end of the phone before Iwa can hear him blowing his nose off to the side.

"Alright, well, I'm working from home today, but I have to drop something at the office for Bokuto and Kuroo at ten, so I'll stop by real quick and bring you some cold medication, sound good?" usually, he isn't this dumb, he knows the longer he waits to talk to Oikawa, the worse it'll be when he eventually does, but something inside him can't help but need to take care of the brunette.

It might be because when they met, Oikawa just held up this perfect front. And now, with every passing moment they spend together, Hajime gets little glimpses past it. There's a certain thrill that comes with cracking through the guys mask and Iwa has become somewhat enamoured with it.

Maybe that's the reason he now stands in front of a certain brunette's apartment door, small grocery bag in hand, with his afternoon schedule completely cleared so that he can focus on nursing his sick friend back to health.

Iwaizumi raises his free hand and raps his knuckles on the door, hearing shuffling a couple seconds later. The door swings open and the first thing he can think to do is laugh. A pouting, red nosed Oikawa stands in front of him, his expression turning into a scowl that is nowhere near threatening. It's so far from the cute, cliche, wrapped-up-in-a-blanket look Hajime was half expecting; his hair is an absolute disaster, his eyes are heavy, still lidded from sleep probably, he's wearing a rumpled baggy T-shirt with two different stains of.. something, and a bright flush covers most of his features, spreading down past the stretched collar of his top. It's almost endearing until he actually opens his mouth.

"STOP LAUGHING!!! YOU-you know what? I'm shutting this door-" his melodramatic tone only spurs on Iwaizumi's laughter, to which he actually starts to close the door for real.

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