13 - Proposal, Again

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it was their one year wedding anniversary. time passed by so quickly that changmin and chaewon already spent 365 days together. it was a friday afternoon - choi chaewon had the closing shift so she would only be home latest by 8pm. meanwhile, ji changmin was in a chaotic mess along with 4 other men. changmin had prepared something big with the help of his other friends, including chaewon's brother.

"jacob, i'll trust you with the table set up," changmin patted his back.

"chanhee, you'll help check the gifts," changmin pointed towards the several gift boxes in the corner of the living room.

"kevin and juyeon, you'll help me with decorations," changmin checked off his list of "to-do" before dragging the two males with him.

two hours went by as balloons and petals of red roses filled the living room. the 'happy 1 year anniversary!' banner was hung on the plain wall in the living room. the 5 exhausted men sat around the living room slurping on their instant noodles and freezing cold beverage that changmin had bought for them all. "do you think she'll like it?" changmin stared ahead, asking no one in particular.

"she'd prefer a grand proposal," chanhee stated which made jacob smack his head. "she'll love it, changmin," jacob stated, and the rest agreed with him.


on the other hand, it was also chaotic in chaewon's classroom. for some reason, the children were out of control that day. usually they listened well, but not that day.

the classroom was filled with children's babblings and shoutings as they had free play time while waiting for their parents to pick them up.

"yewon and yeonjun, make sure to share the toys!" chaewon ensured to give them equal toys.

"teacher wonnie! i want the car!" another child pointed to the block car in his friend's hand. chaewon could only sigh as she quickly thought of several ways to solve the conflicts in class. having the closing shift was already stressful and tiring, on days like this chaewon often wished that parents would come and fetch their children quickly.

"see you next week, teacher wonnie!" the last child bid his goodbye to her as he ran off towards his parents. stepping back into the classroom, she heaved out a long sigh before getting into clean up and closure.

changmin <3

are you done with work?

should i pick you up?

just a bit more work!

i can get home on my own :)

changmin <3

take care! & call me if you need anything

changmin's texts somehow boosted her motivation as she swiftly cleaned up and locked up centre before making her way home hurriedly. she flagged down the bus coming her way, climbing up and sitting at one of the empty seats. her heart fluttered a little recalling that it was a special day and she felt partially bad for working half of the day. chaewon had gotten changmin some gifts that were already hidden in her room. she wondered if changmin remembered.

"i'm home! changmin, why is it so dark-" chaewon's words trailed off as she stepped inside, taking off her shoes. she flicked the light switch on and a trail of rose petals greeted her in the living room. the once white, plain wall was decorated with the anniversary banner and balloons. the scent of delicious, warm food greeted her as she stepped into the house. "welcome home! and happy first anniversary, chaewon!" the voice of her favourite person greeted her causing her to smile brightly.

"come and have our special dinner night, miss choi," changmin winked as he helped her hang her coat and placed her bag on the couch.

'so he remembered,' chaewon smiled as changmin pulled out the chair for her before he took his seat. she took a glance at him as he enjoyed his meal. it might sound cliche but being at home with changmin made all her exhaustion disappear. she considered that she had a hard day at with the kids being more challenging than usual but changmin always had ways to cheer her up.

on the other side of the table, changmin's heart thumped uncontrollably. technically, it was his first time proposing to chaewon and he was definitely anxious. but he did - he got on one knee as planned. chaewon did not expect that at all and her gasp had clearly shown it all. he held a velvet box - a pretty ring sat in it as changmin smiled up at her.

"when we first got married, we agreed to start small as friends. you make me so happy, chaewon. so, i thought that it's best if i ask you myself this time. choi chaewon, will you marry me?"

the house was in silence as chaewon held a hand to her lips, gaping at the man in front of her. the silence was a little too loud until chaewon bursted out laughing to which changmin followed suit. they were already married, what were they doing? for a moment, they laughed and laughed - partially out of embarrassment and out of happiness. "yes," chaewon breathed out after catching her breath. "what?" changmin paused, trying to process her answer. "yes, i'll marry you over and over again, changmin," she squealed before throwing her arms around him, causing changmin to smile widely as he spun her around.

"this," he showed her the thin band of silver,"is a promise that i'll be with you through every thick and thin." chaewon watched as he gently slipped the ring onto her fourth finger, above their wedding ring. "i love you, ji changmin," she uttered out, her eyes fixated on his face. the lad was stunned for a moment as he looked at her, searching for any signs of joke but she was serious. "you're not kidding?" he asked, unsure. "of course not!" she chuckled, lightly smacking his arm that was around her. "i love you too," changmin grinned, leaning forward to kiss her on her lips.

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