1 - Dream

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where am i? i could see my mum, dad and brother from the room that i was in. the door was set ajar for me to see the number of guests chattering outside. why is everybody here? is this a happy occasion? my head spun as i looked underneath and saw myself in a pure white gown. huh? standing up, i took steps towards the door and i was met with a broad chest of someone. he looked down at me with a soft gaze. a small smile and chuckle left his lips as our eyes met.

"are you okay? did you get enough rest?" the young man asked.

i took notice of how he was in a black tuxedo and his hair was swept neatly above his forehead, giving him a dashing appearance. his smile was reassuringly sweet as he nodded towards his arm for me to hold.

the scene skipped and i found myself in a more comfortable clothing. the lights in the room were dimmed with only the television lights beaming at me. the king-sized bed i was sitting on felt so mushy and fluffy that i could fall asleep anytime sooner. the bathroom door creaked open and a male figure stepped into the room. it was the same gentleman - only now he was in an oversized black shirt and sweatpants and his previously styled hair was down, covering his eyebrows.

"hey," he smiled, "i'll sleep on the couch if you're not comfortable," he continued, gesturing to the living room.

"it's okay, you can sleep on the bed," i found myself saying these words. what?

the next thing i know, i was cuddled up next to him. his scent and warmth was comforting. his light snores and breathing made it easier for me to sleep as my eyes began to shut.


"choi chaewon! wake the hell up! you'll be late!" choi chanhee threw pillows at his younger sister.

chaewon could only grumble under breath as she groggily sat up. her gaze looked around for her phone and the time showed "8:05AM". she clicked her tongue in annoyance at her brother.

"i already graduate. what do you mean?" chaewon started to pull her blankets up to her head again until..

"wait! i'm a teacher!" with that, she scrambled up on her feet as she hurried to get ready for work.

before leaving the house, she stole a spoonful of chanhee's cereal as she scurried over, passing by her mum who was calmly sipping on coffee in the living room.

"mum! i had a weird dream! i was arranged to marry someone! isn't that crazy?" chaewon ranted to mrs choi as she hurriedly put on her shoes.

mrs choi froze in her spot and chanhee dropped his phone into his cereal bowl. chaewon, thankfully, was too occupied with rushing off to work to notice their odd behaviours. before leaving completely, chaewon made sure to yell out her 'i love you's to her family.

"teacher wonnie!" the young children greeted her as she came to work on time.

all 12 of them were seated at their own little chairs with a book open at each of their tables. their cheeky grins plastered on their small faces as their teacher came to class with new fun activities for the day.

"hey friends!" chaewon smiled brightly at her students. the perks of being an early childhood educator is working with adorable cuties who would shower you with endless love all day. chaewon was typically married to her job. she felt that she had everything she ever wanted in the world - her family and her job.


during the children's nap time, it was lunch time for chaewon. she grabbed her purse and set off outside the preschool to buy lunch at nearby stores. usually she would have packed her own lunch from home but since she decided to hit the snooze button that day, she had to travel a bit more for food. 'on days like this, some ramen would be great,' chaewon grinned at her thought. she pushed the glass door of the convenience store open and the cool breeze of air conditioner welcomed her. her feet shuffled towards the instant noodle aisle. her eyes traced the various brands and flavors of instant noodles and then focusing on the one she wanted. 'dang it, it's too high,' she frowned. her arms reached out as high as they could while she stood on her tippy toes in high hopes that she could just knock the cup down. just then, a hand brushed hers as it reached for the cup noodles with ease. she felt the presence tower above her petite self.

"here," the person said, handing the cup to her.

"thank you so much-" chaewon gasped lightly, her words were cut as she looked up at the person.

'it's him,' her heart skipped a little at the familiar person infront of her. it was him - her arranged husband in her dream. he bowed a little, smiling which showed his dimple on his cheeks. the lad took his leave after he paid for his stuffs. chaewon strolled back to the preschool centre with her bought ramen. her mind was filled with the male she had just met. she tried to recall her dream but it only came to her in bits and pieces. but then again, a dream is just a dream. 'he might have been someone i know in my dream but in reality, he was just a stranger.' chaewon sighed as she stirred her ramen in the cup.

Arranged✔️ | Ji ChangminWhere stories live. Discover now