Just as I was about to speak, I opened my mouth, before the sight caused me to close it, but not before I let out a small gasp.


There were tears in his eyes.

"Fratello," I spoke softly, and stared up at my older brother. His olive colored eyes glared at me with anger, but I had a feeling that underneath it was an overflowing amount of worry. As he did so, I slowly raised my arms up, before I wrapped them gently around my brother. I had to sit up to do so, but I didn't mind it at the moment. I just wanted Lovino to know how sorry I was for making Nonno and him worried.

"I'm sorry, Lovino," I began. "I didn't know I was gonna do that. But I promise it won't happen again, ve~!"

"I..It better not fucking happen a-again, c..c-chigi," He responded, before he hugged me tightly. He rested his head in the crook of my shoulder, his voice hitched at the end. Salty tears dripped onto my back as my brother cried. I patted his back softly, anything to let him know I'm still alright. As we had that moment, I saw movement out the corner of my eye. A figure clad in white soon began to walk towards us, a clipboard in hand.

"Fratello, I think the doctor's here, ve~" I murmured, before I pulled away from him. He nodded, wiping his reddened eyes as he turned to see the doctor. He then walked towards the door, where Roma peeked out.

"Hello, Mr. Vargas," The doctor began.

"Hi!" I responded cheerfully, as I gave a small grin. "Please call me Feliciano, too, ve~!"

"Ok then. My name's Mrs. Laura." She replied, before she stole a look at the clipboard.

"How are you feeling? Any aches or pains anywhere?" She inquired, before she gave her attention to me.

"Not really, just really bad headaches sometimes," Was the reply I gave her. In response, she wrote some things down with her pen, and opened her mouth again. "Though..I can't sleep much anymore, or even eat pasta! I've lost so much weight, that my brother's worried...

"I see. Do you ever have any shortness of breath?"


"OK. Well, your grandfather told me about your condition while you were out. Now, before I tell you, would you like your family to be in here with you, or do you want me to tell them separately?"

I took a nervous gulp. Why did I have this sinking feeling in my belly? As I stared at the nice woman in front of me, I concentrated. Finally, after I reached a decision, I nodded.

"I...I think it would be best if you told us all..Together." I took in a deep breath. This wasn't going to be easy, and whatever it was, Lovino most likely wouldn't take it well.

"Very well then. Please wait a moment as I bring the two in," With that, she turned away, and went towards the door. When she returned, Lovino, Grandpa Roma, and even Antonio were there.

"Poco Feli!" Antonio cried, as he ran over to my side. I gasped as I was enveloped into his arms, his cheek rubbing against my own. I stared at him in utter shock, before my eyes turned to Lovino.

"Fratello..-" I began.

"It's fine, Feli," Lovino interrupted. "Whatever happens, Antonio has promised to not tell anyone about it."

"Are you settled down?" The doctor interjected. "Because, you may want to sit down for this." I held in a deep breath, and watched as Antonio sat in a nearby chair. Lovino and nonno sat on either side of the bed. Nonno then placed a hand on my own, before he whispered softly.

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