"Yes!" Hueningkai chimed.

"Yeonjun hyung, this time let Beomgyu hyung blow the candles," said Taehyun and everyone laughed.

"Its not Beomgyu's birthday if Yeonjun hyung doesn't blow the candles first," joined Soobin.

"We can record video messages for him. How about that?" suggested Taehyun.

"Woah! Thats a great idea. Beomgyu hyung will be very happy," said Hueningkai.

"We can prank him first before giving him the actual gift," suggested Taehyun.

"Good idea!" said Soobin, "Lets record his reaction as well."

"He's very smart. He's not gonna fall for that," remarked Yeonjun.

"That's true," nodded Soobin.

"I have an idea! Taehyun can do a magic show," suggested Kai.

"Yes I can if you become my assistant," smiled Taehyun.

"It'll be a pleasure," Kai bowed playfully.

"Wait wait. I have a good one," chimed Yeonjun," What kind of birthday cake do you get for a coffee lover? - Choco-latte."

Everyone clapped.

"Nice one Hyung," said Taehyun, "It's a good one if it's meant for Nari noona since you told us she drinks a lot of coffee."

"Yeah I just thought of her while thinking about this joke," Yeonjun laughed, before he trailed off, "Hopefully she is okay."


Hanlim University

Nari was in French class and a smile crept up her face when the thought of Yeonjun crossed her mind.

She felt bad since she couldn't see him today. Honestly in her cranky mood he was the only person who could make her smile.

For some reason she felt squirmish in her seat as she grabbed the hem of her yellow dress. Something was not right. Even though she loved CL's class, it was becoming unbearable for her to sit.

"Hey, you okay?" Asked Felix, noticing her tense features.

"Oh yeah," she nodded, "I am fine."

Nari dropped her pen next to a girl on the front bench. Even though she stretched her arm she couldn't reach it so she had to get up from her seat and kneel down to pick it up.

There was no big deal to it however as soon as she got back up she saw Felix's face plastered with a horrified look which scared her too so she asked him what was going on as she took her seat.

"Noona..." He hesitated, "On your dress there is..."

She narrowed her eyes at him. What was he trying to say?

He motioned her to come closer and so she leaned in his direction and he whispered in her ear the words no girl ever wanted to hear, "You have a big red splotch on your dress."

Nari's stomach dropped. If Felix saw it then others must've seen it too, thought Nari. She wanted to cover her face but then she saw Felix who seemed genuinely worried for her.

"Noona its okay," he consoled in a soft tone, "It's normal."

Nari nodded with a small smile. He was right. She had nothing to be ashamed of but the question was how was she going to get up without flashing her red splotch to the class. She didn't even bring a pad or a tampon.

She reached out to the girl in the front, "Psst Tzuyu. Do you have a pad or a tampon?"

"Wait Unnie," Tzuyu said softly before nudging her friend Dahyun. Tzuyu conveyed it to her and Dahyun looked at Nari and nodded.

A Sunny Day | BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now