Surely I couldn't tell her I haven't gone to the past three sessions and that I stormed out of Dr. Union's office twice.

"It's getting a little difficult but I'm dealing with it." I half lied.

Yes, it was difficult. That was the truth. Yes, I am dealing with it, which is another truth. My way of dealing, however, is to not go anymore. But I'll keep that part omitted.

She inched a little closer to me and rubbed my shoulders. "Yeah, it's gonna get tough but as long as you get tough right back and stick through with it, I'm sure you'll be fine."

That was I unintentional jab at my conscience on her part. Another forced smile spread across my lips.

"I know."

"Okay so now about that guy from the gallery... what was his name again." She looked up to the ceiling trying to remember. Her finger pressed in her cheek. She shrugged when she failed to recall it. "Whatever, you know who I'm talking 'bout."

"Yeah, um, well we went on two dates." I mumbled.

Michelle's eyes basically fell out of her face and rolled across the room. Her mouth was wide open.

"Well damn! We missed a lot!" She exclaimed. "Wait till I tell Kelly she gon' lose her mind."

I shook my head. "Oh no."

She shrieked in excitement and clapped her hands while bouncing up and down. "Well tell me about it. How did it go?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "It was okay."

She stopped bouncing and gave me the side eye. "That's it? It was just okay?" She asked plainly.

"Yep, pretty much. I mean, what do you want me to say?" I asked.

"You could say what ya'll did or how you feel, you know, like what the hell bey?" She chuckled.

"Well we went to dinner and a movie on our first date and then he took me to this really nice jazz spot downtown."

"That's much better." She said with an approving grin. "So how do you feel?"

"I feel okay." I lied.

Her eyes were skeptical but one thing I could appreciate about Michelle is that, unlike Kelly, she knows when to just let things be. She didn't overly pry for information and often waited for you to willfully tell her what she wants to know. Like always, she left it at that even though she was unsatisfied with the answer. I diverted my attention to random parts of the room.

"At least you only have one more date." She offered.

"Thank god." I whispered.

Michelle shook her head. "Girl stop it, it is not that bad."

I sighed. "Sure."

"So when you plan on seeing him again? When was your last date?" She questioned.

"Last week."

"Ya'll been talking in between?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

She slapped her forehead. "Why not?"

"Michelle please." I begged.

She puffed. "Fine, fine."

Just then the phone started ringing.

Call from Lazaro Alonso, Call from Lazaro Alonso

"That's his name!" Michelle squealed.

I groaned at his timing. I knew I couldn't ignore his call now with Michelle in the room. Walking over to my nightstand, I grabbed the phone tempted to end the call. But with Michelle eyeing me like a hawk, I pressed talk instead.

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