JJ Maybank - Marshmallows

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"Mine's not working!" Y/N moaned, pulling her burned marshmallow off the stick she was holding and throwing it into the fire.

Today was one of the few days that the Pogues weren't busy finding gold or outrunning the cops. The five of them, including Y/N, were sat around the fire roasting marshmallows.

"You're holding it too close." Kie said, pushing a new marshmallow onto Y/N's stick.

"Here, like this." JJ said, moving closer to her.

He held her arm gently, and guided her hand so that she was holding the stick slightly higher. The marshmallow began to heat up and turn crisp.

"Thankyou." Y/N said, blushing, as JJ removed his hand.

"No problem." JJ smiled, kissing her forehead, "Now, don't hold it there for too long or you'll burn it again."

It only took a few seconds before JJ's words became a reality.

"Oh, for God's sake!" Y/N groaned, picking the black specs from her overheated marshmallow. "How are yours turning out so perfect?!"

JJ rolled his eyes, chuckling at her. "I don't understand how you keep burning them."

Y/N glared at JJ, grabbing the marshmallow he was holding just before he bit into it. His head shot up and he tried to snatch the stick back, but she was already off her seat and running backwards. She laughed as JJ jumped up and ran after her.

"That's my marshmallow!" He yelled like a spoiled 2-year old. "Give it back!"

The other pogues laughed at the couple as JJ chased after Y/N, who was about to take a bite when he picked her up from behind. She giggled, kicking her legs about as she tried to escape his grasp.

She turned to face him, holding the stick in front of his face in defeat. JJ smiled a smug smile, and pulled the marshmallow off the stick with his mouth. He discarded the stick as he chewed, placing Y/N back on her feet.

"Don't worry." He said, "I'll make you your own in a sec."

"You better." Y/N replied, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She placed a small kiss against his lips and smiled. "Can we go for a walk first?"

JJ nodded, shouting over to the group. "Hey guys! We'll be back in five!"

After multiple nods from the group, the couple made their way towards the beach.

"Are you okay?" JJ asked Y/N, taking her hand in his. "You're being extra quiet."

"I'm fine." Y/N replied, giving his hand a quick squeeze. "I was just enjoying the sea. You can always hear the waves better at night..."

They took a seat on the sand, a couple metres away from the tide. JJ noticed Y/N staring at him and sent a wink her way.

"Not gonna lie, I'd stare too." He joked, whipping his hair dramatically.

Y/N laughed, playfully punching his arm. JJ laughed too, pulling her into his side and resting his head above hers.

"Looks like it's a full moon tonight." Y/N said, resting her hand on JJ's leg.

"It's beautiful." JJ replied, looking down at Y/N.

"It is." She replied.

"Who said I was talking about the moon?"

"You're gonna say something cheesy aren't you?"

"Like what?!"

"Like, 'You're the only beautiful thing  here Y/N.'"

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