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41- Hange really wanted a gold fish as a child and when they got it they would stare at it for hours upon end and would keep feeding it fish food although the fish had previously eaten. Hange wouldn't allow anyone near the fish bowl because they were told that tapping the glass scared the little fishy. Hange became inseparable from the fish they owned and did everything with the fish.

42- Hange's favourite colour crayon as  a child was blue, like the sky, because the birds looked so happy and they believed it was because the sky was a pretty colour unlike the village's browns and greys.

43- By the age of 11 Hange could identify every flower and plant that grew in the village.

44- Zoe Enjoyed taking strolls through the villages and talking to people living lives outside of being soldiers, they find it interesting how they're the humans keeping the race going.

45- Hange can start up a conversation with just about anyone if they're in the right mood, although they get straight to the point instead of using akward conversation starters.

46- When tasked to look after the new recruits Hange secretly refers to them as their 'kids' and on breaks they parent the recruits to make sure they're all okay.

47- Hange is a very emotional person but they tend to hide it for others wellbeing but will let it all out when they're alone.

48- As a child Hange was always told to keep their hair down to look more 'presentable', they reluctantly did so, however they'd always tuck it behind their ears, until they joined the cadet course where their roommate taught them how to tie their hair up after watching them get irratated with their hair.

49- Before Hange found the solution to tie their hair up they were cutting their hair short so it wouldn't bother them, however, they'd cut it unevenly and in chunks so it became layered and uneven.

50- Hange once got given a magnifying glass and hasn't let go if it since they were given it, although, one time when they were using it they accidentally cracked it so now it lays at the bottom of their draw,In fear that it'll break

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