"it's so cold here , i'm glad you're always so warm and prepared"
i rejoiced , clinging onto mitsuya's puffy jacket.


who said that?
it definitely wasn't mitsuya.
he was warming me up , and i don't think he would say that.
i was about to walk over to baji's seat , when the teacher entered the classroom.
i reluctantly walked back and settled down into my seat.

"alright , today we'll be working with clay and blades. they're really sharp , so be careful"

are you serious?
we just HAVE to talk about blades?
it's not the teacher's fault , it's mine.

i shivered in my seat , thinking about the word over and over again.


my eyes widened , and my arms felt like jelly.
i'm relapsing ...
i flipped my arm , only to be greeted by my cuts.
how do i escape
my whole body shivered as i grabbed onto my head.
just as i looked up on my table , i could see a blade.
it's sharp.
it's clean.
i was frightened.
i snapped back to reality , when mitsuya placed his hand on mine , covering my cuts.
i stared at him , eyes widened with tears welled up in them.


i whispered , in a shaky voice.
he seemed to understand me just right.
he lowered my head , making me stare at my lap.
the sound of the blade being dragged across my table echoed in my mind.

stop it.
stop this sound.

i covered my ears , trying to distract myself.
this was to no avail.
all i heard was laughter , coming from behind me.
what if they're laughing at me?
what if they think i'm a coward?
what if they-

"chifuyu , let's go somewhere else , okay?"
mitsuya comforted me.

my heart rate slowed down , and my mind started to calm down.
i could live like this.
just for a little while more.

i agreed , and let him drag me by the wrist.
i was wearing hand warmers , so it didn't really sting my cuts.

we ran through the corridors , avoiding every teacher possible.
we keyed the door that led to the roof , and tip toed upstairs.
as soon as we reached the top , we took a break to catch our breaths.

"did you ... get triggered just now?"

i replied , trembling in my shoes.

mitsuya shot me a bright smile , before leaning in to give me a warm hug.

"i don't know what you've been through or experienced , but i'm proud of you.
i'm proud that you're still here.
that you're still alive.
that you're still living , and that your heart is beating.
i'm proud you didn't choose to give up.
i'm so so proud of you , matsuno chifuyu"

"there's nothing to be proud of. you're proud that i dragged a razor blade across my skin , till it bleeds and i pass out? you're proud of that?"

"chifuyu- i didn't-"

"matsuno chifuyu , you're in no position to talk to mitsuya like that"



baji held me by my collar , and dragged me across the rooftop , letting go of my collar as he reached the corner.
i fell on my back , hitting my head against the railings.
what was that for..?

"just so you know , i'm not here to interfere with your lovers quarrel , chifuyu and ... you , mitsuya.
teacher just told me to get you guys back to class."
baji grumbled , before walking out the door , a lit cigarette in between his fingers.

didn't you promise me you quit smoking....?
you said you won't ... break that promise...
i'm not even a couple with mitsuya .. why's he so worked up.

i'm scared of the baji keisuke i'll face later on.
did he misunderstand mitsuya's actions?

[1.2k words 27/8/21]

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄" ☡ baji x chifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now