48. Happy New Year

Start from the beginning

"And they don't do it with you?" he asked.

"No" she shook her head. "Not that I would mind but there's a lot of people over and they hug everybody and I mean everybody" she chuckled. "The twins put fireworks outside while Ron and Ginny follow. I'm assuming Harry will as well. Bill and Charlie saw me do it and asked once and then did it the year after but they left so... yeah just me" she shrugged.

"Would you mind if I did it with you?" he asked as they sat down.

"You don't have to" she shook her head.

"I want to" he shrugged.

Spencer smiled and nodded, "okay then."

"This is yummy" she added as she took a bite from the pancake. "I know mine was the one that said kiss the cook," she said before reaching over the table and kissing him, "you deserve it" she finished saying.

Remus smiled and they continued to talk over breakfast.


"Can you spread some of this new year confetti on the tables? People will be here soon" Molly asked Spencer as she handed her the bag.

Spencer took it and began sparkling it around.

"And can you get the sign that's over there and put it on top of the door?" Molly asked.

Spencer nodded and walked to the other room; however, the sign wasn't there.

"Molly it's not here" she yelled.

"Check if it's in the other room"

As Spencer walked in further a strong force stopped her from walking through.

As she continued to push her body, her eyes widened as she realized why she was stuck.

She looked up and and shut her eyes as she saw the mistletoe hang.

"M- molly?"


"Can you tell Fred and George to come over here?" she rolled her eyes.

Molly walked up the stairs and came back down with the boys.

Fred grinned as he now knew why they were called down.

"Take it off" Spencer crossed her arms.

"I can't take it off" he shrugged.

"Take it off Fred!"

"I. Can't. Take. It. Off" he replied.


"You know why"

"George come kiss me" she looked from Fred to George.

"Woah!" Fred stopped George from walking her way.

Spencer rolled her eyes once more, "I wasn't actually going to kiss him."

"I'm hurt" George spoke.

"How long do I have to stay under this" she asked.

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