Chapter Eight - Showdown

Start from the beginning

There was also a SkyWing named Agate. She was mean, witty, and sarcastic but mean in a condescending way.

Finally, there was the Nightwing Annihilation. He was the outlier. From what Essence saw of his mind, he was kind,caring, and shy but she could see why he was in Frost's group. He wanted friends. He was born on the volcano and had been trapped there, assigned the role of assassin without wanting it.

They did nothing wrong!

And suddenly, Essence was on a dark island. Annihilation, smaller, in front of two large, looming dragons standing still like long, dark trees. They did nothing wrong. I don't want to kill them.

She snapped back to the present. Annihilation was out of sight now, and Essence had other things on her mind, her visions, getting her frill cut, studying, Scorpion, etc.

"Man, they don't seem too hard to beat, don't they?" Kraken challenged, now also looking at the team..

"Mph," Swellow acknowledged through a mouthful of her prey. She swallowed and shoved the last mouthful down her throat.

"Come on, let's head back to our room. The others are probably waiting for us," Swellow stood up and beckoned for the others to follow.

"Yeah, let's get out of here." Kraken responded, also getting up. Essence hadn't finished her goat yet, but the others were already walking away, so she ran after them. "Wait, guys!" Essence tried to catch up with her mouth full, as Swellow snickered and giggled.

Walking back to the cave, Essence could see hundreds or thousands of ways this could race could end.

Team Jade were at the starting line, looking at the huge crowd that was even bigger than at the match with Team Silver. Team Jade then saw Team Silver emerge from the lead curtain at their side. Frost pointed to their spots individually on the starting line, but all of them weren't paying attention, instead spending their time glaring at Team Jade. Essence sighed and focused her eyes on the race ahead of them.

"3! 2!" We can do this! "1! GO!"

Suddenly Ace and Agate were off. Aget was fast, but Ace was just next level, weaving through the course with immense speed and grace leaving Agate in the dust. At some point, Essence could see the air around Ace's wings became distorted.

Reaching the second selection, out of breath and out of energy, was Ace. Although, he was still ahead..

"GO!"Ace yelled as he was panting for air. Swellow, got up quickly and unsheathed her Greatsword Tyrants Bane. This time, she was more knowing on what these frozen wood dragons could do. Instead of pulling out a great sword Swellow had gotten used to, the wood dragon revealed two daggers. The fight started and Swellow struggled to block the series of successive stabs, and it was one of the rare times when she was on her back foot. As Agate arrived, Hornet sprinted at the wooden dragon as it comes to life. He then takes it on for a second before slicing it straight in half, instantly defeating it in a matter of seconds!

Essence was shocked and amazed by how Hornet could defeat it so fast before Essence saw he had a stinger beneath his wrist. The worst part was that, he didn't tell Turtle he had cheated, enraging Essence. Luckily Swellow saw her opening as she parried an attack, putting the wooden menace off balance and Swellow shot of a string of silk. She grabbed one of the short swords out of it's fake palm and held it by its blade,

and with perfect accuracy , threw it straight into the wooden dragon's head. "Boom! As easy as slicing fruit!" They cheered and secretly laughed at her dumb line.

Annihilation had a head-start over Kraken as she couldn't stop laughing,but she caught up, finding her prey easily with Annihilation close behind her. The two reached the fourth platform, butting wings and trying to push the other off. Essence and Starseeker entered the vine door, it slowly closing behind them. Essence felt much more uncomfortable this time, as the darkness felt like wings closing around her. But she ignored the feeling by replacing it by determination.

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