Chapter twenty-two - Gilbert

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  Gilbert wished he could crow aloud with delight. Beatrice would marry him. He was so thrilled he actually spun her about in his arms. She giggled when he finally released her lips and set her back down. Then he grabbed her hand and ran for the church.

  He heard the crowd laughing and shouting in their wake but ignored them all. Beatrice stumbled after him but he only slowed once they breached the opening which served as the building entrance. Together, hand in hand, they walked inside in search of the priest. The enclosed area had been transformed since the meeting last evening.

  The nave had been reorganized into a makeshift hospital and it was filled with patients and attendants alike. When he had left the unconscious Narwhal in the care of the priest and his capable assistants early this morning there hadn't been so many. Now they seemed to be lined along the stone walls like kindling, stretched out on pallets made from all kinds of odd bits of discarded clothing, soft grass and fallen leaves in an attempt to protect them from the dampness of bare ground. A few older women were moving about, changing bandages and passing out food and water.

  They finally caught sight of the clergyman standing across the room, speaking with one of the patients.

"Father O'Brian. We have need of your services." A familiar voice called out.

  Gilbert turned to find Sumter standing at the front of the small crowd that were gathering in the open doorway. The skinny clerk was grinning ear-to-ear, thoroughly pleased. Gilbert tossed a grin in return. But he wasn't the only one who stood there behind them. It seemed like the entire village had trailed after them to the church.

  Most of the people gathered there were smiling broadly, some even giggling with excitement. Martine, Felicia and Teddy wriggled their way through the crowd of villagers and raced toward them, each one grinning happily. He grinned back and then down at Beatrice who smiled up at him in return.

  Felicia wordlessly held the cloak out for her aunt and Beatrice smiled brilliantly as she accepted the garment but instead of securing it around her neck as he expected, she pulled the material over her hips and tied it into place like a makeshift skirt. Again, he was impressed by her ingenuity. The silky cloth was a bit long, dancing about her heels but worked well enough as a skirt. At least now she was more modestly covered.

"What's this now?" The priest moved to meet them, his calm gaze sliding from face to face.

  Gilbert recognized the elderly man who stepped forward and clapped him on the arm with a friendly grin and addressed the clergyman.

"These two young people want to take their vows."

"Oh?" The little priest inquired with a benevolent smile. "How lovely.  Come to the alter and we will see about the ceremony." He turned and led the way down the aisle to the front of the church.

  Gilbert and Beatrice followed, with the three children excitedly dancing about them as they moved along up the center.  Sunlight streamed in through the break in the stonework as they approached and lit up the face of the alter, as if welcoming them all. The priest moved to take his place behind the stone and opened one of the large leather-bound ledgers sitting there. Gilbert noticed a Bible, a small silver cross and a wooden bowl set out nearby.  Probably all the little priest had managed to retrieve from the small village priory before the fire forced him to evacuate.

"Does this mean we can call Mr. Lourson 'Uncle' now, Aunt Bea?" Martine asked dancing excitedly by her aunt's side.

"Yes, I think he would like that." Beatrice answered, meeting Gilbert's eye and blushing prettily when he winked.

"Uncle Lourson?" Felicia frowned doubtfully.

"I think he would be much happier if you call him Uncle Gilbert." Beatrice answered with a laugh.

Beast and Beatrice Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora