Chapter seventeen- Beatrice

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  Beatrice looked around in amazement at how bright and clear the night was. The flickering flames lit up the night sky like it was day. Thankfully, what little air movement there was, pushed the majority of smoke and sparks away from the river. She could plainly see the faces of the townsfolk gathered all around them. Not that she recognized more than a few.

  Sissy had refused to interact with anyone not of their class or equal standing. Which meant she had alienated most of the people in town, even before Beatrice had come to live with her. Being a shy, awkward young teenager, Beatrice hadn't had the courage to even attempt to make friends. Not that anyone had given her the least bit of a chance. She was considered as haughty and contemptuous as her sister-in-law, and she was never given the chance to alter that misconception either. The townsfolk virtually ignored her just as staunchly as they avoided her sister-in-law. Even the children were ostracized and so their little family had lived a very isolated, solitary existence.

   The only interaction she had was with the clerks and shopkeepers she met on her daily trip to the shops. Some of them were friendly and helpful. But the majority of them were only civil so long as she had gold to spend. As the family fortunes had plummeted and the funds had dwindled, she had been forced to become creative with the budget. Then the merchants had begun to look on her with suspicion rather than welcome. They were not so civil when she had little to no gold to spend.

"Where will we go now?" Martine yawned widely.

  Beatrice shifted to pull the sleepy child onto her lap and the little girl hugged her doll close as she snuggled into her aunt's arms, eyelids drooping. A glance at the other two showed they were also flagging. After all, it was well passed their usual bedtime. Even all that excitement of escaping the fire wasn't enough to combat their exhaustion. Just as well. Beatrice really didn't have an answer to give them. She had no idea where they would go or what they would do. They had no home, no income, nothing. They had no family left to appeal to. There really was no one they could turn to for help.

  Her eyes lit upon poor Teddy. The boy sat on his skinny backside, with his knees bent back and his feet turned out to either side of those narrow hips. Those big feet of his which, for the time being, fit perfectly in her brother's old shoes. But what would happen when he outgrew even those? Felicia was in an even worse predicament. She had already outgrown all her old clothes and desperately needed new ones. Beatrice had planned to cut down a few of her own gowns for the girl, but that was impossible now they had only the clothes their backs.

  Beatrice sighed heavily. She had no choice really. The only option she could see filled her with dread. She would have to accept Mr. Narwhal's proposal, if the offer was still on the table. Putting not just her life and welfare into his keeping, but those of the children as well. Allowing him full rights to her body. Just the idea had her stomach twisting into knots of apprehension.

  No doubt he would expect complete obedience. The man would dictate how she should dress, where she could go, how she should comport herself. And he would be in complete control. She knew that without a doubt. His first concern was his fortune and how to increase it. She would be nothing more than window dressing for his elbow. How would he react to the fact that she was now responsible for three orphans? What guarantee was there that, after he'd gotten what he wanted, he wouldn't renege on any promises made to take on the care of the children? She would not be surprised if he did. Her only option was really no option at all.

  Her gaze moved to Gilbert, who sat quietly resting at her side. He was gazing about, taking in the devastation and despair all around them with a concerned frown. If only she could place herself and the children in his care. He had already proven himself a noble, honorable gentleman. Entertaining little Martine, pacifying Felicia, even stepping in to protect young Teddy. He would make a wonderful father. But it was impossible.

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