Chapter One

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This reader is a tad bit more OC, it's hard to get certain details and the MC to have a personality when the reader is completely inserted into the story (in my experience writing). So if something is incorrect. Like a big one, where MC is from please don't come at me for it.
Also please note I'm not happy about this spacing. I can't get my computer to work correctly and when I sent the document to myself it completely ruined my spacing. I tried to fix it but there might be a few mistakes. It's hard to keep up with on the app.

"It's okay, she'll have fun." A man mumbled trying to convince himself and his wife that it was true. His wife groaned rubbing her hands down her face.

"I don't know why we agreed to this, we're sending our daughter off to a foreign country with strangers." The woman started to pace their living room. "What if she hates it there? Why did I let my grandmother talk me into this? I haven't even seen Massimo since we were kids. What if he doesn't actually want a random kid at his house and he was guilted into it by our grandmother?"

Neither adult noticed the sixteen-year-old until she spoke up. "You're sending me to a different county?"


(Y/N)'s brows furrowed as she thought about what her parents were talking about. "Why would you send me to another county to stay with strangers? At least let me stay with some friends or send me to Florida and I'll stay with grandma."

"We thought it'd be good for you-"
(Y/N) cut her mother off. "How is sending me to another county good for me?"

"A good cultural experience. Look, you'll be staying with my cousin. He has a daughter just a bit younger than you. It'll be good to get to know your family."

"Another county is a good cultural experience?" She stared at her mom like she was crazy.

Both of her parents glanced at each other, realization crossing their faces. Her father shook his head, and her mom slapped her forehead.

"Country, (Y/N) not county." Her father said like she was an idiot.

The teenager glanced between her parents. Another country? They had family in another country. What country?

"You'll be staying with my cousin Massimo and his daughter Giulia in Portorosso, Italy."


"It'll only be during summer vacation, you'll come home a week before school starts. I know this is sudden, but grandma was talking about spending time with her cousins when she was younger and how sad it is that her great grandchildren won't have the experience. Then she insisted that you go to Italy and meet your cousin. That it would be a good experience for you. Wait, where did she go?" During her explanation (Y/N) ran upstairs to her bedroom.

Italy? That's like in the top ten of countries I want to visit. (Y/N) thought to herself as she grabbed her laptop. She pulled up a search engine and quickly went to work trying to find information about the town. "They believe in sea monsters?" (Y/N) giggled to herself as she scrolled through different articles. There wasn't much information beyond a few shop names and the sea monster legends they seemed to truly believe in. "I wonder what I'll need to pack." She stood and headed to her closet; from the quick search she'll need clothes for warmer weather. Which is nice, it would suck to spend somewhere really cold during summer break. She grabbed her suitcase from the back of her closet and called out to her parents. "Mom, dad, when do I leave?"
"Oh about that.." Her father responded awkwardly. "About midnight tonight."
"What?!" (Y/N) shrieked and started to grab random clothes to pack. That's less than three hours. Why are they just now telling me? She thought as she poorly folded each item and tossed them in her luggage.

Summer of Gelato and Sea-monsters (Alberto x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now