⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟏𝟓

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"that'll never happen." chenle yelled back and they all laughed.

the four started singing as chenle and yunhee noticed something on the floor by a tree.

"hey, chenle, isn't that... barty crouch's hat?" she turned to the boy with wide eyes and he nodded his head.

"it is."

they picked up their pace to look behind the tree. there, they found the dead body of barty crouch, his eyes open as he stared soullessly at nothingness. yunhee let out a terrified scream that alerted hagrid. he rushed over to find the horrified hufflepuff boy covering yunhee's eyes and pulling her away from the body on the floor.

"you kids leave here at once. make sure to take yunhee and chenle to the medical wing and ask madam pomfrey for something to ease their horror." hagrid said, blocking the view of the body from the other three. "i'm going to stay here. mark, i'll leave you responsible for notifying dumbledore that barty crouch is dead in the forest and to come quick."

the three nodded and jeno held onto the two that were too shocked to move and started guiding them back to the castle, mark and renjun trailing behind.

"i can't believe he's dead. i was only talking to him a few hours ago." mark sighed, running a hand down his face. "who could've done this? do you think voldermort?"

"no, he's gone, mark, and there's no way he got into hogwarts undetected. it has to be someone from here." renjun replied, glancing over his shoulder at where hagrid was. "let's focus on getting those two to madam pomfrey and tell dumbledore about the incident."


𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝟐𝟕 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟓

"so this is it? we're all going home?" yunhee asked, nibbling on a piece of fudge. the group of five were sat in one of the train compartments on their way to kingscross station for the easter holidays.

"it's only two weeks. you're making it sound like forever." renjun said, taking in her anxious expression.

"it's going to be a long two weeks. i've grown attached to you all, so i have no idea how i'll survive."

"we can send letters to each other." jeno suggested, tapping his fingers against the window. 

"no, it's best that you don't send me any. if my parents find an owl flying to our house to drop off letters regularly, they're going to get mad and could forbid me from going back to hogwarts because it's disrupting them now."

"your parents are that strict?" mark asked. "it's sort of the same as my aunt and uncle, only they can't prevent me from attending hogwarts."

"you're a bit luckier than me then, but i hope that one day you'll be able to live somewhere better." she said. turning to look out the window, she felt chenle place his hand on top of hers to comfort her in some way.

"i think we should all sleep for the rest of the journey to the station." renjun said, already placing one of his soft bags next to him to lean on.

"renjun, do you not want to talk to us? how mean." chenle fake pouted, moving his hand away. 

"no, he's right. we should sleep. i'm exhausted too." yunhee bundled up the hoodie she wasn't wearing and used it as a pillow to lean on.

"i'm not tired though."

"me neither." jeno added.

"then, is it alright if us three talk in hushed voices?" mark asked the two who planned to sleep.

"yeah, i don't mind." yunhee replied, finally closing her eyes to sleep away her worries.

however, her sleep wasn't peaceful. the minute she fell into darkness, the scene of barty crouch's dead body started playing. it played over and over, but each time was different and more horrific than the previous. at one point the body started morphing into another person. they were laid on their stomach and their head was facing away from her so she couldn't tell who it was, but she did see the yellow and black clothes he wore.

yunhee soon found herself being shaken awake and loud voices talking around her. she jolted up, smacking her forehead onto chenle's who was right next to her. he cried out, clutching it.

"shit. i'm sorry." she sat up properly, resting a hand on her neck that had gotten sweaty in a short amount of time.

"yunhee, you were yelling in your sleep." renjun told her. he was kneeling beside her on the floor. "i tried using spells to calm you, but i'm still not that good at it."

"i was yelling?"

"do you remember if you were dreaming of something scary because your yells were frightening. you even looked scared." mark said, adjusting his glasses that slipped down his nose.

"um... yeah. ever since the night barty crouch died, i've been seeing his dead body in my dreams. i didn't realise i'd actually be yelling outside my dream." she rubbed at her eyes, sighing. "i guess that makes sense why my roommates were always tired and would move rooms."

"maybe madam pomfrey could've given you something to help with that. you should've asked her." jeno said.

yunhee shook her head. "it was embarrassing enough telling you guys that."

"don't feel embarrassed telling us these things. we're your friends, yun. we won't make fun of you." chenle lightly whacked the back of her head to knock sense into her.

"you're right. sorry."

"don't apologise." jeno told her, showing off his signature smile that made her smile too.

"we're at the station by the way." renjun said, pulling down her trunk from the shelves above the seats since the others had theirs down too.

"already? i should've just stayed up to spend more time with you." she got up on her shaking legs, taking the trunk from him.

"i can carry it till you find your parents."

"about that... it's better that you aren't seen with me. i'll go on my own from here now."

they all said their goodbyes and yunhee went ahead to find her parents in the sea of people. she could see other students running into their parents welcome arms, excited to be back with them, but when yunhee found her mother, all she did was roughly grab her arm and drag her out the station.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 - 𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐮حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن